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Zen and the Art of Rolls-Royce Maintenance (Haynes version)

To: rolls-bentley@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Zen and the Art of Rolls-Royce Maintenance (Haynes version)
From: "Richard J. H. Shears" <>
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 16:46:51 +0100
You may remember I put a copy of my email to Haynes on this site?  Well,
here is their "answer".

(In order to conserve the world's limited supply of electrons, and
everyone's phone bills, I will not re-post my original enquiry.  In
summary, I asked for the prospects of a reprint of the Shadow manual(s),
the ISBN and details of copying licences if they weren't interested in
doing a reprint, and is there/has there ever been a Spirit manual? - and
this is what they say:)


Thank you for your Email, a very lengthy one at that.

We would have to reprint a considerable amount of manuals in order for
it to be worth while.
Thank you for your offer of canvassing support.  Your request has been
noted on our customer responce system that gets collated at the end of
each month.

Please do not hesitate in contacting us if we can be of any further


Sarah Dunlop
Mail Order Sales Co-ordinator


This is what I describe as the Zen category of e-mail.  A Zen 'koan':
"Define for me the nature of the Buddha." "Three bags of flax".  In my
opinion, the answer "we'll put it into our customer responce (sic)
system" to "what's the ISBN?" owes more to oriental mysticism than the
modern interactive networked communications society in which we live.

I'll keep on checking out the local fetes.  I noticed a pristine 1960's
Riley 3-litre manual for 20 p (about 35 cents) last Sunday at the South
Stoke Maypole Dance and Village Feast, so I live in hope.  Oh for that
ISBN so I could get the professional second-hand book-sellers onto the

Using the same Zen logic as Haynes, I shall assume that they have no
objection to me copying any manual I come across - in accordance with
the proverb "I cast my question into the void - and the answer was
always 'nothing'".

Did you notice how informative she was on the subject of Spirit manuals?

Yours in frustration,

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