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Article repository

Subject: Article repository
From: "Blake J. Discher" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 18:33:36 -0500
Hi everyone...

OK, we're rolling.  Got a nice article today from Randolph Williams in 
California about how our British cars fall into neglect and get that 
dreaded disease called MORRISNEGLECTISFATALUS.  It's written about a Morris 
Minor but could refer to any of our LBCs.

Bob Bieler from the Toronto Triumph Club has sent along four articles that 
I'm in the process of putting up now.  Three are technical articles and the 
fourth is a history of sorts on a Spitfire owned by the same woman for 40 

A couple of you have asked that when articles are published in other 
newsletters, a copy of the newsletter be sent to the author so they can see 
their work in print.  That's a great idea.  If you think your 
authors/creators would like to be sent a copy, please provide email or 
snail-mail addresses in the body of the article at the beginning of the 
document indicating where to send the copy.  A club address would probably 
be best so that individual's private information not be floating out there 
in cyber space.  Then the club could get it to the author.

Check it out: <>.  And send 
what you can.

Blake Discher
Detroit Triumph Sportscar Club

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