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RE: US Gasoline Pricing

To: "'Morgan List'" <>
Subject: RE: US Gasoline Pricing
From: "Manfred Brown" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 08:19:29 +0100
You want me to explain why we pay taxes? To explain that fossil fuel
reserves are finite?

I've never heard the one about "the world would end in ten years because of
global worming" but I have read much evidence that global warming is real.
There is much debate as to what and when the effects will be but you don't
need to put your hand into boiling water to know it will hurt. Whether it is
real or not I still feel it is a waste to burn oil rather than use it as a
chemical feedstock.

But I still drive my +8.


-----Original Message-----
From:   Ed Herman []
Sent:   10 April 2000 16:14
To:     Manfred Brown
Subject:        Re: US Gasoline Pricing

I worked as an environmental scientist in the 60's, when we were told that
population of the earth would double, and the earth couldn't support that
people.   Then in the 70' we were told by the same group that fossil fuel
run out in twenty years.  In the 80's we were told by the same group that
world would end in ten years because of global worming.

The population has doubled twice in that last 40 years.  And, we now have
oil reserves in Alaska alone then we had in the 70's.  And, yes the world is
going to end.  But, we just don't know when.   Paying more taxes will not
the end.

So tell me why I should believe any popular assumptions about the
They have been proven consistently wrong over the last 40 years.  I have
met  more dishonest people then those how believe they know what right for
me and
the environment.   And, tell me again why I should give any government my

Manfred Brown wrote:

> Chuck,
> I sent these out for fun but am prepared to enter the debate seriously.
> Most people see the low gasoline prices in the USA, a quarter of the price
> in the UK, and laugh at some people in the wealthiest nation in the world
> bitch about how high the prices are. Personally I agree with high taxes on
> gasoline for environmental reasons with the perhaps na�ve assumption that
> his will mean lower taxes elsewhere. I drive a +8 and am willing to pay
> the pleasure but use a more fuel efficient car for shopping, etc.. Global
> warming and diminishing fossil fuel reserves are realities of the world in
> which we live and to bury ones head in the ground is sheer folly - and I
> work in the oil industry!
> With respect,
> Manfred.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Behalf Of Vandergraaf, Chuck
> Sent:   8 April 2000 17:33
> To:     'Manfred Brown'
> Cc:     'Morgan List'
> Subject:        RE: US Gasoline Pricing
> Manfred,
> Yeah, I've seen these figures before but other than being cute, they miss
> the point, IMHO.  Most of the items that are mentioned can potentially be
> poured down somebody's throat and need to be of high quality.  Others
> fluid, for example) are also of high quality but are used sparingly. I
> imagine that ink for ink jet printers ranks up there as well. When I drove
> from Calgary to Pinawa a couple of years ago in my Toyota MR2, I averaged
> 100 kph over the ~1450 km distance.  I was using ~7.3 litres per 100 km
> mpg).  I could not possibly consume any of the potable fluids mentioned at
> that rate, not sustained over 14 hours, anyway.  White Out is probably an
> endangered species.  As for Evian, there are alternatives  "L'eau du
> is good enough for me."
> I'm not saying that gasoline prices are too high.  Gas prices are just
> visible and gas is bought often enough to remind the buyer.  Considering
> wide range in prices in the world, it's no wonder we think we're being
> fleeced!  Governments are not likely to step in and government officials
> must be rubbing their collective hands with glee: every increase results
> more of our hard-earned money making a one-way trip to their coffers.
> Chuck Vandergraaf
>         ----------
>         From:  Manfred Brown[]
>         Sent:  Saturday April 08, 2000 5:01 AM
>         To:  'Morgan List'
>         Subject:  US Gasoline Pricing
>         Below is something I was sent from the US. Puts the price of
> gasoline into
>         perspective.
>         Manfred
>         1987 +8
>         Gas Out
>          -------
>         More thoughts on the proposed "Gas-out" April 7-9. Here are a few
> things
>         that the magazine Autoweek has brought to the public's attention.
> And
>         thanks to subscriber Christine for passing it along to us!
>         .... This is what it costs to buy a gallon of.....
>         Diet Snapple - 16oz for  $1.29 = $10.32 a gallon
>         Lipton Iced Tea -  16 oz for $1.19 = $9.52 a gallon
>         Gatorade - 20 oz for $1.59 = $10.17 a gallon
>         Ocean  Spray - 16 oz for $1.25 = $10.00 a gallon
>         Evian water - 9 oz for $1.49 = $21.19 a gallon.  $21.19 FOR
> Maybe
>         that's the reason "Evian" spelled backward is "Naive" ...
>         STP brake fluid - 12 oz for  $3.15 = $33.60 a gallon
>         Scope - 1.5 oz for $0.99 = $84.84 a gallon
>         Vick's Nyquil - 6 oz for $8.35 = $178.13 a gallon (Of course, you
> are paying
>         for all that alcohol, too).
>         But here's the real kicker!!
>         White Out - 0.7 oz for $1.39 = $254.17 a gallon (i.e Tipex in the
> UK)
>         So next time you're at the pump, be glad your car doesn't run on
> White
>         Out!!!

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