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Plates & alternators

Subject: Plates & alternators
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 08:55:28 -0800
Hi Fred, The backing plates came back yesterday morning.  I'm so
disappointed that they were not the right ones.  I looked again at the
other set I have and they are identical.  Oh well!

Question.  Do you have any further thoughts on choice of alternators and
alternator mounting methods on +4 TR3 motors since "Notes From a Morgan
Garage"?  On my Trike I used a Nipon Denso from a Chevy Spectrum/Isuzu
I-Mark that's compact and self contained.  I don't remember the current
output but I can look it up. A GM alternator has got to be the cheapest
and most available fro the TR but maybe there's been a recent model that
would be easier to fit and mount.

Time to get working on my gas tank.  Oh! is there an inexpensive gas
tank  for a +4 4 seater? Mine is quite rusty inside.  I saw a hot rod
with a plastic tank yesterday.  Could it be that there's one I could
adapt.  I'll have to check with the local speed merchants.

Regards, Tony

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