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Re: Outside Kill Switch

To: Mark Hagedorn <>,
Subject: Re: Outside Kill Switch
From: Simon Constantineau <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 06:29:55 -0800 (PST)
That's an easy one... Every single snowmobile have a switch like that. So if 
you consider that there is 4 snowmobile OEM and each of them have a pretty good 
dealer network, you should be able to get one pretty easily.
If you don't have snowmobile dealers in your area, an emergency button that you 
find on cnc machines can do the same job (just a little heavier).

Mark Hagedorn <> wrote:
I haven't found anything out yet. I emailed SAE and haven't seen it
posted in their FAQ page. The page then told me that if a question wasn't
posted it is probably clearly stated in the rules.
I looked into some industrial switches, but they certainly don't seem to
conform to the brief statement made about them in the rules, nor do they look
like the picture. I have looked at pretty much every racing class around an
no one uses anything like that. I did find a switch on a backhoe that was
close, but it was too heavy to be practical. This search for a switch has
taken up alot of time and has become quite annoying. I am pretty close to
turning our car into one giant rolling kill switch.

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