To All:
As a firm believer in the efforts of Dan Masters
I have used the wisdom that he offers many times
and I can vouch for his knowledge.
I will have to second and third what Jim says
about Dan.
I will get the book myself, and if anyone has
any doubts about it is worth more than the
35.00, just look no further than some of
printings in other tech literature.
He is truly a great electrical person and for
the less than novice like myself, he has
really helped me out a lot.
Tom Wagner
72 TR 6
67 MGB
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Stuart <>
To: MG list <>; MGV8 list <>
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 11:11 PM
Subject: new book for sale
> Well, I am not selling the book, Dan Masters is. The title is "Triumph
> TR250-TR6 Electrical Maintenance Handbook".
> This is written, obviously, with TR owners in mind, but since all
> British wiring systems of that era, including MG's, are so similar, I
> have no hesitation recommending the book to MG, Sunbeam, Jenson & other
> British car owners.
> The book includes some basic theory, general information regards auto
> electric's, systems, general trouble shooting, etc.
> Then the book really gets down to the nitty. Step by step diagnostics,
> wiring diagrams of specific circuits, and an explanation of what is
> going on in readable, understandable terms. Upgrades and modifications
> are covered, & complete wiring diagrams for various years TR's are
> included.
> While the book may not make you another Edison or Lucas(?), you should
> be able to fix almost any electrical problem you will ever encounter in
> a British car of that era or earlier. The Author, Dan Masters, has been
> a contributor to the MG & MGV8 lists, and some of his work can be seen
> in the tech section of the Vintage Triumph Register web site. Triumph
> Club price was $28.00, general price $35.00- listers can probably get
> the $28.00 price.
> Contact Dan directly at < > I have no connection
> beyond helping friends, Dan & my fellow listers. If this bit of a
> commercial/book review of a serious work by a fellow hobbyist, intended
> to help other hobbyists offends someone on the list, so be it. It has
> more list value than many recent & ongoing topics, in my opinion.
> Jim Stuart
> 1974 MGBGTV8 conversion
> 1978/67 MGB spurious V8 conversion
> other support vehicles