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Re: MGB Roadster?

To: Chris Davies <>
Subject: Re: MGB Roadster?
From: "John J. Peloquin" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 11:48:01 -0800 (PST)
Dear Netters,

Wasn't there something about this a couple of years ago? It seems to me
that the GT's structural integrety would be completely comprimized by
such a conversion as the sills of the GT just couldn't take the weight.
I also remember some threads about a sunroof which IMHO would be a far
better "solution". Any ideas about that?

Thu, 30 Oct
1997, Chris Davies wrote:

=%O        Hi MG nuts,
=%O                I was on my way to work the other day, and started
=%Othinking about the strangest thing. Has anyone ever converted a BGT to a
=%Oroadster? I know the windows, axle and (oviously) the back seat won't
=%Ofit, but does everything else? I'm not planning to do it myself (the
=%Obody on mine is pretty good when you think how old it is and what the
=%Oweather here in Britain is like), but I'd be interested if anyone else
=%O        Chris Davies                                            67 MGBGT

"Never ascribe to Malice that which can be explained by Ignorance"

John J. Peloquin
Molecular Biology &
3205 BioSciences II
Irvine, CA 92697-3900

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