Hi Len:
I'm at the point where I tell all shippers specifically not to use UPS or I
will return shipment and sue for repayment. I believe that this outfit is
a candidate for a government enquiry. The "brokerage" fee is robbery. I
make sure that everyone I know who uses any crossborder shipping avoids
UPS. I like to think that I've made a significant dent in their business
as I'm a member of many different clubs and hold/held executive membership
in all of them.
I use First Class Mail for most shipments or if they are large I use Parcel
Post. If I were really pressed for time I would consider Air Express.
John McEwen
PS - I'll see you at RITV. I'm bringing my Vanguard. It comes out of the
paint shop this afternoon.
>Hi Aron - I imagine you are in the U.S. I don't begrudge the
>parts suppliers a few bucks for handling in the packaging of our
>parts (it seems to be the common practise with all mail order
>companies), but thank your lucky stars you aren't in Canada
>and having to deal with UPS.
>They have a sweetheart deal here. Last week I had a small box
>8" x 8" x 4" weighing about a pound come from Moss to Kelowna,
>B.C. The distance is about 1,400 miles. Shipping charges
>from Moss were $14.00, GST (our country's cash grab tax of 7% to
>be pissed away on anything that defies logic) was $14.00 and UPS
>added another $35.00 charge for brokerage, etc. which involved
>doing up a form so that I wouldn't have to give the government
>more money for duty (parts for cars 25 years old are duty free).
>That is the last time for me. These guys are nothing more than
>rip off artists. They treat their customers with disdain, will
>never admit to making a mistake, and charge brokerage rates
>that are out of sight. Anytime I have used UPS while I was in
>the U.S. their service was quick and the rates were reasonable.
>Len Drake
>>If you want an estimate on how much a package (full of auto parts of
>>course) will cost via UPS......go to the following URL
>> http://www.ups.com/using/services/rave/rate.html
>>Also good for checking how much profit a parts company made in their
>>shipping charge to you.
>>-Aron Travis-
>>"always in a automotive frenzy"