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Accelerator pedal

To: "MG V8 List" <>, "Jim Stuart" <>
Subject: Accelerator pedal
From: "Larry Hoy" <>
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 17:48:52 -0600
Importance: Normal
Reply-to: "Larry Hoy" <>
Many of you know that I have made a big push to get the V8 done.  I am getting
closer but have another question.

Remember this is a 1969 MGB which requires removal of a portion of the firewall,
which meant removal of the gas pedal pivot point.  It is now time to put back
some sheet metal and address the gas pedal.

The sheet metal I can handle, but I'm looking for suggestions on the gas pedal.

How have you handled this?

Larry Hoy

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