Then the claim of the biggest temp drop from inlet to outlet of any radiator may
be valid, but it is not necessarily the most efficient way to cool the engine,
since the water flow out of the engine must be reduced by the additional time
the water spends in the radiator. The incoming water will not necessarily be
cooler than with another radiator, since the water leaving the engine may be
hotter to start with. Engine temp may not be reduced overall.
This is starting to sound like Curly in "Whose on first".
very confused,
Jim Stuart
Stuart Goggin wrote:
> Interesting,
> I would of thought that making the water flow through the radiator three
> time will actually reduce its heat transfer capability. REASON: The
> amount of energy transfered is proportional to the the temperature
> difference. Therefore as the difference increases the amount of energy
> transfer also increases. This can be observed by plotting the temperature
> of a jar of hot water as it cools. Initially it will cool quickly and then
> as the temp difference decrease it cools slower and slower.
> By cooling the water three times the amount of energy transfer on the second
> pass will be less than the initial pass, and the third pass will be even
> less.
> Therefore a radiator of a given surface area will transfer more energy in a
> single pass situation that a three pass flow pattern.
> The best way of increasing the cooling effect would be to increase the
> surface area by adding more cores, or increase the airflow over the
> radiator.
> Regards
> Stuart
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: overheating
> Date: 22 Jul 99 08:20:24
> From: Jim Stuart <>
> Reply-To:
> To: MGV8 list <>
> To those who asked, a triple, or triple flow radiator is one that has
> internal baffles to force the incoming water to circulate through the
> radiator 3 times before exiting to the engine. By spending more time in
> the radiator, the water is able to transfer more heat & return to the
> engine at a lower temp than a single or double pass radiator.
> I think I am learning more about cooling than I want to know. Wish I
> knew some thermal dynamics or fluid mechanics. Reading radiator adds is
> a source of real frustration, as claims are not substantiated, apples
> are compared to watermelons, etc.
> As the weather has cooled somewhat, I was able to drive home with the
> A/C this evening, water only got to 220` when stopped in traffic.
> Jim Stuart