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RE: Braided Hose

To: Jon Amo <>,,
Subject: RE: Braided Hose
From: Dick J <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 10:36:37 -0700 (PDT)
I put the clamps on because rules say "clamps".  When I first used this hose 
with no clamps, I went to test and tune at an NHRA track and the inspector 
wouldn't let me run until I drove to town, bought clamps, and put them on. I 
had a magazine article about the blue hose with me and showed it to him, but he 
was firm in his decision. "No clamps, no run". I guess not all inspectors know 
what Blue Aeroquip hose is.  
Rule One: Never argue with a tech inspector or tax auditor - - you will lose.
Dick J   

Jon Amo <> wrote:
Do you think engineers made the hose to leak if used properly?
By the way if you use the blue hose with the proper barbed fittings,
aeroquip states you DO NOT need a clamp, if one is used it has a chance to leak.
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