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Re: Weight and Balance stuff again

To: Keith Turk <>,
Subject: Re: Weight and Balance stuff again
From: Glenn Ridlen <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 08:12:25 -0700 (PDT)
Keith Turk <> wrote:
... nothing fancy... I just want to make sure I've got a bit
more on the front tires then the back...


How did you determine that was the best weight distribution? Does the Camaro 
just seem happy there? I wasn't in on the thread earlier....if you look it up 
let me know where it is. I am particularly interested in any comments about 
moment about the center of gravity. Many years ago I read that cars that need 
to turn quickly, like road racers, need a low moment ( weight located close to 
center) and cars that are trying to go in a straight line need a high moment to 
resist rotation about the CG. Like the difference between trying to spin a 
bowling ball versus a bar bell of the same weight. I have been told that if I 
need to add weight in the back it should be put in front of the rear 
axle.....That goes against what I read and what makes sense to me. I think that 
is drag raceing technoligy...when the suspension reacts it has to lift that 
added weight which forces the rear tires down. That makes sense for drag 
raceing where traction and excelleration are high but in our case where the
 added weight is primarily to add to the traction needed to push the car thru 
the air I think we are better served by weight in the tail where it also 
resists direction change. Would welcome any comments.

                                The ignorant other trucker from east 

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