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Re: Trailer Towing Tips

To: Phillip Landry <>,
Subject: Re: Trailer Towing Tips
From: Dick J <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 05:57:34 -0700 (PDT)
Hey Phil,
Do not use overdrive.  Tow it in high gear only. 
At first it feels like you're over-revving and
will have fears like 3 MPG, but it's not so.  You
will actually get better mileage at the higher
RPM thanif you keep lugging it in OD.  Also, if
you use OD, it will try to shift down at every
interstate overpass, small rise in the road, and
gust of head wind, all that really overworking
the transmission to death.   My truck is a 4.7
Liter Ford V-8 and the owner's handbook is very
specific about that.  When I brought my car down
to your town, I tried OD a couple of times on the
really flat sections of road.  I could feel a
very significant strain and the engine had a hard
time just maintaining speed.  In straight drive
it pulled like a champ and had plenty of passing
oomph.  I had the same experiences with a Chevy
V-6 extended cab, and my last Dodge Ram V-8 4X4.

Dick J

--- Phillip Landry <>
> List,
> We've never towed anything very far and we are
> planning to tow our modified
> roadster on a four wheel utility trailer to
> Bonneville (1800 miles one way).
> Any suggestions on vehicle preparation and
> such. The tow vehicle will be a 93
> Ranger extended cab, 4 liter V6, overdrive
> automatic. Hope to meet everyone at
> the races soon. Phil and Gary

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