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We have 57 years under our seatbelts in the red car, our 1955 BN2. As far as=
I know never stolen or badly abused during the first 10 years of its existe=
nce. But must say the body required repair when it was purchased. The factor=
y didn=E2=80=99t spend a lot of money on paint back then. IN 1965 it was rea=
lly a big deal to fork out $275 US for a 10 year old car. Had a lot of fun o=
ver the years and it has enabled a lot of great long lasting friendships.=20=
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 15, 2022, at 4:54 PM, BJ8Healeys via Healeys <healeys@autox.team.ne=
t> wrote:
> The original owner of my BJ8 told me the car was stolen from him the same d=
ay he bought it new. Police found it early the next morning, out of gas an=
d the perps took his portable radio, but otherwise the car was fine. I have=
the newspaper article about the theft.
> =20
> In 2007, the owner of a BJ8 asked If the BJ8 Registry had any record of 40=
136. It was stolen from him in 1970 and at the time was not insured. I di=
d not have any record of it, but added it to the registry with the info he p=
rovided. I saw it come up for sale by a dealer in 2012 and notified him. H=
e was able to recover it, 42 years after it was stolen.=20
> Most owners of Healeys are interested in the previous ownership history of=
their cars, but there is no other place except the BJ8 Registry (for BJ8s,=
of course) where the continuous ownership record can be documented and pres=
erved for those who come after us. It makes it possible for one owner of a c=
ar to contact the other owners if they wish to do so.
> Anyone with a BJ8 who has not allowed me to include it in the registry sho=
uld do so. You never know. The Registry currently documents more than 55% o=
f total BJ8 production (9,767 of 17,712 cars built).
> =20
> Steve Byers
> HBJ8L/36666
> BJ8 Registry
> AHCA Delegate at Large
> Havelock, NC=20
> =20
> From: Healeys [mailto:healeys-bounces@autox.team.net] On Behalf Of m.g.sha=
rp--- via Healeys
> Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2022 1:05 PM
> To: 'i erbs'; 'Jim Ryan'
> Cc: 'List Healey'
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] It's time to let it go
> =20
> I bought my BT7 48 years ago from a delightful Irishman. He had bought it n=
ew. Unfortunately died a few years ago but when he was still around I would=
visit him periodically and over a glass of sherry (or two) he would recall s=
tories about the car while in his ownership. One recollection was that whil=
e working late one evening in his Toronto office (he was an engineer), he he=
ard a Healey start up and to his horror watched out the window as someone to=
re out of the parking lot in his car. He feared the worst as there had been=
a rash of sports car thefts and the kids who were stealing were joyriding f=
or a few hours then driving them into Lake Ontario.
> =20
> The car was found by the police later that night on Lakeshore Road =E2=80=93=
out of gas. The car probably dodged a bullet that night.
> =20
> From: Healeys <healeys-bounces@autox.team.net> On Behalf Of i erbs
> Sent: October 15, 2022 12:17 PM
> To: Jim Ryan <ryan@jimryan.com>
> Cc: List Healey <healeys@autox.team.net>
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] It's time to let it go
> =20
> Years ago a friends corvair convertible was stolen. When he got it back it=
had been detailed, the top was fixed and it had a full tank of gas...
> =20
> On Sat, Oct 15, 2022, 6:11 AM Jim Ryan via Healeys <healeys@autox.team.net=
> wrote:
> Speaking of themes...
> =20
> That BJ 7 I bought in 1974 was stolen a week after I got it, no insurance.=
3 months later I had moved and was getting ready to go look at an MGB for sa=
le when I thought I would give the Boston police one more call. They said th=
ey were glad to hear from me because they found the car a month ago, but bec=
ause I had moved they had no way to get ahold of me. So I took a bus and hit=
ched a ride out to Groton Massachusetts where I found it sitting at a gas st=
ation. Funny thing was, it was also full of camping equipment, that wasn't t=
here when it got stolen. Everything was in the car my tools, nick-nacks, the=
only thing that was damaged was the trunk lock and the ignition. I guess th=
ey would just turn the battery off to stop it, then turn it on to start it u=
> =20
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2022, 12:02 PM Christopher Moog via Healeys <healeys@autox=
.team.net> wrote:
> What is this a running theme. I purchased a BJ7 in the mid 1990s. Started r=
estoring. Moved several times. When I retrieved it from a rental garage (fou=
r years ago after having stored it five years) the interior had been stolen.=
It was in separate boxes waiting for me to finish the body. So now I have n=
o seats, carpets, door cards or interior trim. It was all leather and worth s=
everal grand. That took the steam out of me finishing the car.=20
> I'm retiring this spring so I hope to put the time (and money) into get it=
done. Well see if this happens or if I too end up selling and enjoying a di=
fferent car. Though I could give it to a 20 something nephew has the skill t=
o finish it. He is not yet shown interest in something like that, he's more i=
nto mid-80s pick-up trucks. But tastes change.
> Good luck with the paring down of projects. Life gets shorter and we all h=
ave to decide what we want to spend our time doing. Driving a Bugeye is a lo=
t more fun to most people than restoring a car.
> On 10/14/2022 9:10 AM, Jim Ryan wrote:
> Sorry, fat fingered that last email.
> =20
> What I was going to say was how similar your story is to mine. I bought a B=
J 7 in 1974, never really fully restored it as I wanted to, and neither of m=
y son's wanted it. So I ended up selling it for what I could get about four y=
ears ago and picked up a little Bugeye driver. I still have it and in some w=
ays enjoying it more than the big Healy.
> =20
> Anyway, what part of New Hampshire are you in? I'm on the Seacoast.
> =20
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2022, 9:06 AM Jim Ryan <ryan@jimryan.com> wrote:
> Hey Kent,=20
> =20
> =20
> =20
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2022, 3:32 PM Kent McLean <kentmclean@comcast.net> wrote:
> I've owned my 1956 100 since April of 1974. I bought it with the intention=
of restoring it, but life has gotten in the way and it is still waiting for=
my attention. It is with a heavy heart that I've resigned myself to passing=
along the dream. Contact me off-list, subject line BN2, and I'll give you t=
he details. First detail: it is located in New Hampshire, USA. The list has f=
irst dibs; if it doesn't sell here, it goes to eBay.
> Kent McLean
> '56 100 and '60 Bugeye
> _______________________________________________
> Support Team.Net http://www.team.net/donate.html
> Suggested annual donation $12.75
> Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys http://autox.team.net/archi=
> Healeys@autox.team.net
> http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys
> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/healeys/ryan@jim=
> =20
> _______________________________________________
> Support Team.Net http://www.team.net/donate.html
> Suggested annual donation $12.75
> =20
> Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys http://autox.team.net/archi=
> =20
> Healeys@autox.team.net
> http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys
> =20
> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/healeys/cgmoog@o=
> =20
> =20
> _______________________________________________
> Support Team.Net http://www.team.net/donate.html
> Suggested annual donation $12.75
> Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys http://autox.team.net/archi=
> Healeys@autox.team.net
> http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys
> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/healeys/ryan@jim=
> _______________________________________________
> Support Team.Net http://www.team.net/donate.html
> Suggested annual donation $12.75
> Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys http://autox.team.net/archi=
> Healeys@autox.team.net
> http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys
> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/healeys/eyera300=
> _______________________________________________
> Support Team.Net http://www.team.net/donate.html
> Suggested annual donation $12.75
> Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys http://autox.team.net/archi=
> Healeys@autox.team.net
> http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys
> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/healeys/healeygu=
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3D=
utf-8"></head><body dir=3D"auto">Listers<div>We have 57 years under our seat=
belts in the red car, our 1955 BN2. As far as I know never stolen or badly a=
bused during the first 10 years of its existence. But must say the body requ=
ired repair when it was purchased. The factory didn=E2=80=99t spend a lot of=
money on paint back then. IN 1965 it was really a big deal to fork out $275=
US for a 10 year old car. Had a lot of fun over the years and it has enable=
d a lot of great long lasting friendships. <div>Memories!!!!</div><div>=
Perry<br><br><div dir=3D"ltr">Sent from my iPhone</div><div dir=3D"ltr"><br>=
<blockquote type=3D"cite">On Oct 15, 2022, at 4:54 PM, BJ8Healeys via Healey=
s <healeys@autox.team.net> wrote:<br><br></blockquote></div><blockquot=
e type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr">=EF=BB=BF
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<div class=3D"Section1">
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"color:#1F497D">The original owner of m=
y BJ8
told me the car was stolen from him the same day he bought it new.&nbs=
p; Police
found it early the next morning, out of gas and the perps took his portable
radio, but otherwise the car was fine. I have the newspaper article ab=
out the
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"color:#1F497D"><o:p> </o:p></span=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"color:#1F497D">In 2007, the owner of a=
asked If the BJ8 Registry had any record of 40136. It was stolen=
from him in
1970 and at the time was not insured. I did not have any record of it,=
added it to the registry with the info he provided. I saw it come up f=
or sale
by a dealer in 2012 and notified him. He was able to recover it, 42 ye=
after it was stolen. <o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"color:#1F497D">Most owners of Healeys a=
interested in the previous ownership history of their cars, but there is no
other place except the BJ8 Registry (for BJ8s, of course) where the co=
ownership record can be documented and preserved for those who come after us=
It makes it possible for one owner of a car to contact the other owners if t=
wish to do so.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"color:#1F497D">Anyone with a BJ8 who h=
as not
allowed me to include it in the registry should do so. You never know.=
Registry currently documents more than 55% of total BJ8 production (9,767 of=
17,712 cars built).<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"color:#1F497D"><o:p> </o:p></span=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"color:#1F497D">Steve Byers<o:p></o:p><=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"color:#1F497D">HBJ8L/36666<o:p></o:p><=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"color:#1F497D">BJ8 Registry<o:p></o:p>=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"color:#1F497D">AHCA Delegate at Large<=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span style=3D"color:#1F497D">Havelock, NC <o:p=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><a name=3D"_MailEndCompose"><span style=3D"color:#1F4=
97D"><o:p> </o:p></span></a></p>
<div style=3D"border:none;border-top:solid #B5C4DF 1.0pt;padding:3.0pt 0in 0=
in 0in">
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><b><span style=3D"font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"=
Tahoma","sans-serif"">From:</span></b><span style=3D"font-siz=
e:10.0pt;font-family:"Tahoma","sans-serif""> Healeys
[mailto:healeys-bounces@autox.team.net] <b>On Behalf Of </b>m.g.sharp--- via=
<b>Sent:</b> Saturday, October 15, 2022 1:05 PM<br>
<b>To:</b> 'i erbs'; 'Jim Ryan'<br>
<b>Cc:</b> 'List Healey'<br>
<b>Subject:</b> Re: [Healeys] It's time to let it go<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><o:p> </o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">I bought my BT7 48 years ago fro=
m a
delightful Irishman. He had bought it new. Unfortunately died a few ye=
ago but when he was still around I would visit him periodically and over a
glass of sherry (or two) he would recall stories about the car while in his
ownership. One recollection was that while working late one evening in=
his Toronto office (he was an engineer), he heard a Healey start up and to h=
horror watched out the window as someone tore out of the parking lot in his
car. He feared the worst as there had been a rash of sports car thefts=
and the kids who were stealing were joyriding for a few hours then driving t=
into Lake Ontario.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">The car was found by the police l=
ater that
night on Lakeshore Road =E2=80=93 out of gas. The car probably dodged a=
that night.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<div style=3D"border:none;border-top:solid #E1E1E1 1.0pt;padding:3.0pt 0in 0=
in 0in">
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><b>From:</b> Healeys <healeys-bounces@autox.team.n=
et> <b>On
Behalf Of </b>i erbs<br>
<b>Sent:</b> October 15, 2022 12:17 PM<br>
<b>To:</b> Jim Ryan <ryan@jimryan.com><br>
<b>Cc:</b> List Healey <healeys@autox.team.net><br>
<b>Subject:</b> Re: [Healeys] It's time to let it go<o:p></o:p></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">Years ago a friends corvair conv=
ertible was
stolen. When he got it back it had been detailed, the top was fixed and it h=
a full tank of gas...<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">On Sat, Oct 15, 2022, 6:11 AM Ji=
m Ryan via
Healeys <<a href=3D"mailto:healeys@autox.team.net">healeys@autox.team.net=
<blockquote style=3D"border:none;border-left:solid #CCCCCC 1.0pt;padding:0in=
0in 0in 6.0pt;
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">Speaking of themes...<o:p></o:p>=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">That BJ 7 I bought in 1974 was s=
tolen a
week after I got it, no insurance.3 months later I had moved and was getting=
ready to go look at an MGB for sale when I thought I would give the Boston
police one more call. They said they were glad to hear from me because they
found the car a month ago, but because I had moved they had no way to get ah=
of me. So I took a bus and hitched a ride out to Groton Massachusetts where I=
found it sitting at a gas station. Funny thing was, it was also full o=
camping equipment, that wasn't there when it got stolen. Everything was in t=
car my tools, nick-nacks, the only thing that was damaged was the trunk lock=
and the ignition. I guess they would just turn the battery off to stop it, t=
turn it on to start it up.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">On Fri, Oct 14, 2022, 12:02 PM C=
Moog via Healeys <<a href=3D"mailto:healeys@autox.team.net" target=3D"_bl=
<blockquote style=3D"border:none;border-left:solid #CCCCCC 1.0pt;padding:0in=
0in 0in 6.0pt;
<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=3D"margin-bottom:12.0pt"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">W=
hat is this a
running theme. I purchased a BJ7 in the mid 1990s. Started restoring. Moved
several times. When I retrieved it from a rental garage (four years ago afte=
having stored it five years) the interior had been stolen. It was in separat=
boxes waiting for me to finish the body. So now I have no seats, carpets, do=
cards or interior trim. It was all leather and worth several grand. That too=
the steam out of me finishing the car. <br>
I'm retiring this spring so I hope to put the time (and money) into get it
done. Well see if this happens or if I too end up selling and enjoying a
different car. Though I could give it to a 20 something nephew has the skill=
finish it. He is not yet shown interest in something like that, he's more in=
mid-80s pick-up trucks. But tastes change.<br>
Good luck with the paring down of projects. Life gets shorter and we all hav=
to decide what we want to spend our time doing. Driving a Bugeye is a lot mo=
fun to most people than restoring a car.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">On 10/14/2022 9:10 AM, Jim Ryan w=
<blockquote style=3D"margin-top:5.0pt;margin-bottom:5.0pt">
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">Sorry, fat fingered that last em=
ail. <o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">What I was going to say was how s=
your story is to mine. I bought a BJ 7 in 1974, never really fully restored i=
as I wanted to, and neither of my son's wanted it. So I ended up selling it f=
what I could get about four years ago and picked up a little Bugeye driver. I=
still have it and in some ways enjoying it more than the big Healy.<o:p></o:=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">Anyway, what part of New Hampshi=
re are you
in? I'm on the Seacoast.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">On Fri, Oct 14, 2022, 9:06 AM Ji=
m Ryan <<a href=3D"mailto:ryan@jimryan.com" target=3D"_blank">ryan@jimrya=
n.com</a>> wrote:<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<blockquote style=3D"border:none;border-left:solid #CCCCCC 1.0pt;padding:0in=
0in 0in 6.0pt;
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">Hey Kent, <o:p></o:p></spa=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">On Thu, Oct 13, 2022, 3:32 PM Ke=
nt McLean
<<a href=3D"mailto:kentmclean@comcast.net" target=3D"_blank">kentmclean@c=
<blockquote style=3D"border:none;border-left:solid #CCCCCC 1.0pt;padding:0in=
0in 0in 6.0pt;
<p class=3D"MsoNormal" style=3D"margin-bottom:12.0pt"><span lang=3D"EN-CA">I=
've owned my
1956 100 since April of 1974. I bought it with the intention of restoring it=
but life has gotten in the way and it is still waiting for my attention. It i=
with a heavy heart that I've resigned myself to passing along the dream.&nbs=
Contact me off-list, subject line BN2, and I'll give you the details. First
detail: it is located in New Hampshire, USA. The list has first dibs; if it
doesn't sell here, it goes to eBay.<br>
Kent McLean<br>
'56 100 and '60 Bugeye<br>
Archive: <a href=3D"http://www.team.net/pipermail/healeys" target=3D"_blank"=
<a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/archive/healeys" target=3D"_blank">http://a=
<a href=3D"mailto:Healeys@autox.team.net" target=3D"_blank">Healeys@autox.te=
<a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys" target=3D"_blank"=
/ryan@jimryan.com" target=3D"_blank">http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/h=
<p class=3D"MsoNormal"><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></p>
<pre><span lang=3D"EN-CA">_______________________________________________<o:=
p></o:p></span></pre><pre><span lang=3D"EN-CA">Support Team.Net <a href=3D"h=
ttp://www.team.net/donate.html" target=3D"_blank">http://www.team.net/donate=
.html</a><o:p></o:p></span></pre><pre><span lang=3D"EN-CA">Suggested annual d=
onation $12.75<o:p></o:p></span></pre><pre><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p>&=
nbsp;</o:p></span></pre><pre><span lang=3D"EN-CA">Archive: <a href=3D"http:/=
/www.team.net/pipermail/healeys" target=3D"_blank">http://www.team.net/piper=
mail/healeys</a> <a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/archive/healeys" target=3D=
re><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></pre><pre><span lang=3D"EN-=
CA"><a href=3D"mailto:Healeys@autox.team.net" target=3D"_blank">Healeys@auto=
x.team.net</a><o:p></o:p></span></pre><pre><span lang=3D"EN-CA"><a href=3D"h=
ttp://autox.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys" target=3D"_blank">http://auto=
x.team.net/mailman/listinfo/healeys</a><o:p></o:p></span></pre><pre><span la=
ng=3D"EN-CA"><o:p> </o:p></span></pre><pre><span lang=3D"EN-CA">Unsubsc=
ribe/Manage: <a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/healeys/cgmoog=
@optonline.net" target=3D"_blank">http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/heal=
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