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The front fenders on a TR3 have a rolled in wire from the factory. It's a n=
ice touch to copy this on the rears. Jeff Snook's TR3 is like this and I wi=
ll copy this soon. Doing this will eliminate tire clearance issues.=20
----- Original Message -----
From: "Duncan Charlton" <duncan.charlton54@gmail.com>=20
To: "davehogye" <dlhogye@comcast.net>=20
Cc: "Todd Redmond" <alfetta95@optonline.net>, "Friends of Triumph" <fot@aut=
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 10:50:02 AM=20
Subject: Re: [Fot] Wheels=20
Dave, you mentioned what was on my mind =E2=80=94 it=E2=80=99s been decades=
since I owned a TR3 but I did restore a =E2=80=9956 and my recollection is=
that there is just a rolled edge with a wire in it on a TR3, not folded me=
tal that will push out of the way.=20
On Jun 10, 2015, at 12:36 PM, davehogye < dlhogye@comcast.net > wrote:=20
Like Henry suggested, Spruell is the place to buy Panasports. You can check=
size and offsets by what Moss lists for our TR3s.=20
15x5.5 wheels are the rule for vintage racing, but 15x6 will work too and m=
any run the 6s without a problem from the race group. 185-65-15 tires will =
just clear on the rear fenders, the fronts aren't usually a problem. 205-60=
s will contact the rear fenders slightly, so a slight amount of rolling the=
fender will do. It's best to have a pro do the rolling before painting wit=
h a wire in the roll.=20
Dave H.=20
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Redmond" < alfetta95@optonline.net >=20
To: fmccjr@aol.com=20
Cc: fot@autox.team.net=20
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 5:43:19 AM=20
Subject: Re: [Fot] Wheels=20
I'm interested in hearing the responses.=20
I'm sure it's been said, but did you roll the fenders?=20
Todd Redmond=20
Sent from my iPad=20
> On Jun 9, 2015, at 6:16 PM, fmccjr@aol.com wrote:=20
> Hi, a=20
> Is there anyone out there who is racing a Tr3 (with steel fenders) who mi=
ght share information about what wheels you are using? I have Avon 175/60/1=
5 tires on TR6 rims, and the front fender sits right on the tire. No racing=
for me, yet! (No issues in the rear, in fact, I'm using 3/4" spacers).=20
> I am a VSCCA member, and I'm stumped! ...The original 4 inchers won't do.=
> What width and offset do I need to clear the front fenders and brakes wit=
h these tires?=20
> Thanks,=20
> Rick McCurdy=20
> Newburgh, NY=20
> Sent from my iPhone=20
> _______________________________________________=20
> fot@autox.team.net=20
> http://www.fot-racing.com=20
> Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html=20
> Archive: http://www.team.net/archive=20
> Forums: http://www.team.net/forums=20
> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/fot/alfetta95@o=
Archive: http://www.team.net/archive=20
Archive: http://www.team.net/archive=20
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<html><body><div style=3D"font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #0000=
00"><div aria-label=3D"Compose body">Friends,</div><div aria-label=3D"Compo=
se body">The front fenders on a TR3 have a rolled in wire from the factory.=
It's a nice touch to copy this on the rears. Jeff Snook's TR3 =
is like this and I will copy this soon. Doing this will eliminate tir=
e clearance issues.</div><div aria-label=3D"Compose body"><br></div><div ar=
ia-label=3D"Compose body">Dave</div><div><br></div><hr id=3D"zwchr"><div st=
;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12pt;" data-mce-style=3D"=
color: #000; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none=
; font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"><b>From: </b>"=
Duncan Charlton" <duncan.charlton54@gmail.com><br><b>To: </b>"davehog=
ye" <dlhogye@comcast.net><br><b>Cc: </b>"Todd Redmond" <alfetta95@=
optonline.net>, "Friends of Triumph" <fot@autox.team.net><br><b>Se=
nt: </b>Wednesday, June 10, 2015 10:50:02 AM<br><b>Subject: </b>Re: [Fot] W=
heels<br><div><br></div>Dave, you mentioned what was on my mind =E2=80=94 i=
t=E2=80=99s been decades since I owned a TR3 but I did restore a =E2=80=995=
6 and my recollection is that there is just a rolled edge with a wire in it=
on a TR3, not folded metal that will push out of the way.<div class=3D""><=
br class=3D""></div><div class=3D"">Duncan</div><div class=3D""><br class=
=3D""><div><blockquote class=3D""><div class=3D"">On Jun 10, 2015, at 12:36=
PM, davehogye <<a href=3D"mailto:dlhogye@comcast.net"; class=3D"" target=
=3D"_blank" data-mce-href=3D"mailto:dlhogye@comcast.net";>dlhogye@comcast.ne=
t</a>> wrote:</div><br class=3D"Apple-interchange-newline"><div class=3D=
""><div class=3D""><div style=3D"font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt;" clas=
s=3D"" data-mce-style=3D"font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt;"><div class=
=3D"">Like Henry suggested, Spruell is the place to buy Panasports. Y=
ou can check size and offsets by what Moss lists for our TR3s. </div>=
<div class=3D"">15x5.5 wheels are the rule for vintage racing, but 15x6 wil=
l work too and many run the 6s without a problem from the race group.  =
;185-65-15 tires will just clear on the rear fenders, the fronts aren't usu=
ally a problem. 205-60s will contact the rear fenders slightly, so a =
slight amount of rolling the fender will do. It's best to have a pro =
do the rolling before painting with a wire in the roll. </div><div cl=
ass=3D""><br class=3D""></div><div class=3D"">Dave H.</div><div class=3D"">=
<br class=3D""></div><hr id=3D"zwchr" class=3D""><div style=3D"font-weight:=
normal; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; font-family: Helvetica,=
Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;" class=3D"" data-mce-style=3D"font-wei=
ght: normal; font-style: normal; text-decoration: none; font-family: Helvet=
ica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"><b class=3D"">From: </b>"Todd Red=
mond" <<a href=3D"mailto:alfetta95@optonline.net"; class=3D"" target=3D"_=
blank" data-mce-href=3D"mailto:alfetta95@optonline.net";>alfetta95@optonline=
.net</a>><br class=3D""><b class=3D"">To: </b><a href=3D"mailto:fmccjr@a=
ol.com" class=3D"" target=3D"_blank" data-mce-href=3D"mailto:fmccjr@aol.com=
">fmccjr@aol.com</a><br class=3D""><b class=3D"">Cc: </b>fot@autox.team.net=
<br class=3D""><b class=3D"">Sent: </b>Wednesday, June 10, 2015 5:43:19 AM<=
br class=3D""><b class=3D"">Subject: </b>Re: [Fot] Wheels<br class=3D""><di=
v class=3D""><br class=3D""></div>I'm interested in hearing the responses. =
<br class=3D""><div class=3D""><br class=3D""></div>I'm sure it's been said=
, but did you roll the fenders?<br class=3D""><div class=3D""><br class=3D"=
"></div>Todd Redmond<br class=3D""><div class=3D""><br class=3D""></div>Sen=
t from my iPad<br class=3D""><div class=3D""><br class=3D""></div>> On J=
un 9, 2015, at 6:16 PM, fmccjr@aol.com wrote:<br class=3D"">> <br class=
=3D"">> Hi, a<br class=3D"">> Is there anyone out there who is racing=
a Tr3 (with steel fenders) who might share information about what wheels y=
ou are using? I have Avon 175/60/15 tires on TR6 rims, and the front fender=
sits right on the tire. No racing for me, yet! (No issues in the rear, in =
fact, I'm using 3/4" spacers). <br class=3D"">> I am a VSCCA member, &nb=
sp;and I'm stumped! ...The original 4 inchers won't do. <br class=3D"">>=
<br class=3D"">> What width and offset do I need to clear the front fen=
ders and brakes with these tires?<br class=3D"">> <br class=3D"">> Th=
anks, <br class=3D"">> Rick McCurdy<br class=3D"">> Newburgh, NY<br c=
lass=3D"">> <br class=3D"">> Sent from my iPhone<br class=3D"">> _=
______________________________________________<br class=3D"">> fot@autox=
.team.net<br class=3D"">> <br class=3D"">> http://www.fot-racing.com<=
br class=3D"">> <br class=3D"">> Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.h=
tml<br class=3D"">> Archive: http://www.team.net/archive<br class=3D"">&=
gt; Forums: http://www.team.net/forums<br class=3D"">> Unsubscribe/Manag=
e: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/fot/alfetta95@optonline.net<br cla=
ss=3D"">> <br class=3D"">> <br class=3D"">___________________________=
____________________<br class=3D"">fot@autox.team.net<br class=3D""><div cl=
ass=3D""><br class=3D""></div>http://www.fot-racing.com<br class=3D""><div =
class=3D""><br class=3D""></div>Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html<br =
class=3D"">Archive: http://www.team.net/archive<br class=3D"">Forums: http:=
//www.team.net/forums<br class=3D"">Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.n=
et/mailman/options/fot/dlhogye@comcast.net<br class=3D""><div class=3D""><b=
r class=3D""></div><br class=3D""></div><div class=3D""><br class=3D""></di=
v></div></div>_______________________________________________<br class=3D""=
><a href=3D"mailto:fot@autox.team.net"; class=3D"" target=3D"_blank" data-mc=
e-href=3D"mailto:fot@autox.team.net";>fot@autox.team.net</a><br class=3D""><=
br class=3D"">http://www.fot-racing.com<br class=3D""><br class=3D"">Donate=
: http://www.team.net/donate.html<br class=3D"">Archive: http://www.team.ne=
t/archive<br class=3D"">Forums: http://www.team.net/forums<br class=3D"">Un=
subscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/fot/duncan.charlton=
54@gmail.com<br class=3D""><br class=3D""><br class=3D""></div></blockquote=
></div><br class=3D""></div></div><div><br></div></div></body></html>
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