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Re: Roadster Fever Claims Another Victim!

To: Pete Peters <>,
Subject: Re: Roadster Fever Claims Another Victim!
From: Victor Laury <>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 13:20:03 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
>Well, after 5+ years in the SF Bay Area, SPL311-00799 (1966 1600) has a new
home in Seattle, WA.

Pete, I see our plans for world domination have claimed a new minion of Datsun 
Doom! Don't forget to add SPL311-00799 to the registry on the site. 
Last year, we were all excited to see the registry pass 1,000 entries. Now, we 
can set our sights on Roadster 2K Day!

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