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Re: Poor Judgement (was Singing the praises of the rev limiter)

To: "datsunmike" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Poor Judgement (was Singing the praises of the rev limiter)
From: "Eric Frisbee" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 19:19:02 -0500
Ah, isn't it so easy to judge someone whilest you aren't in their particular
shoes or situations...

We all do it, yet does it make it right?   Everyday is a learning
experience, isn't it?

Have a great day and try to enjoy that ride!

> FWIW, I always pull into the left hand lane when I see a car merging onto
> the road and I keep my left turn signal on so that he sees me and knows
> I am doing. I also slow down and plan for a 'what-if' situation and the
> 'what-if' has happened on more than one occasion despite my attempts to
> avoid it.
> I also judge my closing speed and where I should be when the car finally
> merges onto the road.
> There are times when you need to 'drive through' the situation when you
> you can't stop in time - you drive onto the shoulder or change your lane
> quickly. That's was one of the things I was taught at Bob Bondurant many
> years ago.
> You shouldn't be in the right hand lane when a car is merging onto a road
> from the right and expect the driver to go into the left lane - that's
> clearly wrong and poor judgment on your part. Very poor judgment.
> Mike

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