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RE: roadster registry

Subject: RE: roadster registry
From: "Doctor Evil" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 00:26:45 +0000 (UTC)
Hi Folks.

I've been reading with interest the whole SR/SRL thing, and I have a 
bit of a secret.

To throw a wrench in it all, my 67 2000 is registered as SR311-00630 as 
that's what the tag is stamped. The SR311 is printed on, but the 00630 
is stamped on. But if you look at the frame you can see SRL311-00630, 
and she's LHD.  Probably was a Friday afternoon/ Monday morning build, 
or the tag stamper had a little too much Saki the night before, and 
grabbed the wrong tag.

I think there were only <1000 67.5 2000s, and the numbers were not 

For a grand total of $.02


> Hello Andrew,
> Thanks for the info. I have seen those numbers as well.
> But from 1000 or less to maybe 2000 is a big gap.
> I cant believe that has not been verified.
> Did they combined those SRL and SR in the 1000? or are there 2000??
> I have read that some SRL and SR share the same VIN or Frame serial
> numbers. Is that a widely know fact??
> Now lets say that they just made 1000 or less  67.5 2liters. I am
> wondering if the serial numbers are sequential or there are gaps in
> the serial numbers. Ive checked out the registry on and
> and they are both missing the same numbers from the registry
> list. So does that mean that they didnt make those missing serial
> numbers??
> Raul
> Andrew Murphy <> wrote:
> Raul,
> There has been some debate about the numbering of the 1967.5 2000.
> Some say that both LHD and RHD cars were numbered 1-1000- the only
> difference being SR instead of SRL. That would mean 2000 cars.
> The other thought process is that the numbers 1-1000 were shared
> between the two. I have never heard of a definitive answer on the
> subject.
> The highest number I have ever heard of is 701 which is David Pina's
> racer and the gaps in the registry are probably due to either cars
> that are unknown or those that have long gone to soup cans.
> If anyone out there has the answer I would be interested to hear it.
> Andrew Murphy
> 1967.5 2000
> SRL311-00489
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