Got some more stuff put back on the motor today. Distributor, water pump,
timing chain, oil pan. I thought I was being real smart and ordered some
replacement gaskets for the stuff I took off. Problem was, I didn't remember
everything I took off! Fortunately, I had traced an outline of all the
gaskets I put in a few years ago while they were still new. Dug up the
notebook, traced out the MIAs in gasket material and cut them out. Don't
know if I would do this every time I replace something since it is a pain in
the butt. Making a pattern of all the gaskets did make it possible for me to
keep working today and I'm grateful for that.
Also got a list of things I need to purchase for the transmission. Turns out
the damage may not be as serious as I feared. Will keep my fingers crossed.
Paul Bauman
Westminster, CA
67 1600
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