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Re: Beat by a Mustang GT, but not by too darn much

Subject: Re: Beat by a Mustang GT, but not by too darn much
From: Tom Hendricksen <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 09:27:16 -0700

My favorite memories of my 68 2000 are 57 Chevy's.  Especially if they
were slightly higher in the rear end and had fat tires on the rear axil.
If they went rump-rump-rump it was even better.  If the Chevy driver is
serious there is no way a poor little SU carburated Datsun can beat them
in a short race, but if he doesn't want to humiliate the poor little car
he would make the mistake of giving that little car 3500 RPM in first
gear.  Goodby.  About this time they realized that there might be a
problem here.  After 3500 RPM in first they discovered that they could not
catch that little Datsun roadster.  298 Mustangs were never a problem, but
the Chevy's were my favorite.

The last one I met that way was a beautiful red convertible, tires, rump,
and all, with a girl to match in the middle of the front seat.  The night
was a wonderful August evening and our tops were down.  After the run
between lights I turned right and the last thing I heard as I drove away
was someone loudly yelling something about titles.

Yes, I it takes a mean streak to help a guy loose in front of his girl
(especially if he is trying to look like a nice guy and take it easy on
that poor little car), but sometimes I have a mean streak, and I really
enjoyed that one.....  Too bad I won't run into any of those Chevy's when
I get my 69 2000 back on the road.


Jim Cawrse wrote:

> For all:
> Got my car all dialed in, timeing, carbs, and all.
> Went for a drive in traffic just to see if it would
> keep its cool (about 95 here today in Tidewater
> Virginia).  No problem!
> On the way home happened next to a bright yellow
> Mustang GT convertible, aftermarket ground effects,
> aftermarket big giant spoiler and roll bar, and
> loud booming exhaust.  Young guy, I suspect with
> lots of Dads money to spend.
> He slowed down until he was
> next to me, and I knew what was next, and we
> only had 100 yards or so in moving traffic, going
> about 25 mph, I decided to take the advantage, so
> down to 2nd and nailed it.  I got the jump on
> him and maintained it for several seconds, and he
> was working hard when he started to ease past.
> I immediately backed off, I had made my point,
> and besides I'm way too old, and know better, than to
> play street games.   hehehe
> Enjoy the ride!
> Jim
> Chesapeake Va
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