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Re: S/Brake Switch ??? - "special" options

Subject: Re: S/Brake Switch ??? - "special" options
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 10:29:23 EST
In a message dated 11/28/01 10:25:10 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
> My wife asked me that question when we were dating back in '75.  I told
> her that the "B" stood for Bendix, the people that made very
> sophisticated electronic gear.  It was an automatic steering system that
> tracked the lines painted on the road for hands off driving.  

Reminds me of when I was driving the 83 280ZX...... My kids were about 6 & 8 
yo then and were curious about the big lever next to the pass seat ( parking 
brake). I had them conviced that it was the control for the ejection seat, 
ala James Bond. I showed them how the T-top would pop off allowing your 
undesirable passenger to be removed quickly. They knew that one well, as 
their Mother may have "forced" them to watch silly old movies such as that. 
They bought the story, and it served well to keep their grubby little paws 
off of things in the car whilst driving.   One day when taking a drive w/ my 
dad ( was a 2+2 - we all fit) he started fiddling w/. the button on the end. 
You should have seen the look of terror on their faces... "GRANDPA  - NO 
!!!!! " Their eyes got   *t h i s  b i g*. They thought he would go flying 
out of the car - never to be seen again.  They dutifuly explained to him just 
what he was doing and why he shouldn't play with that lever.  <G> 

I finally had to give in and explain to them... but they still think that the 
red light in the roadster is for  the Bat-Mobile type smoke screen. ( but 
then again.... it could just be leaky valve seals )

Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
Chandler, AZ

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