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Re[2]: July Fun Run

To: Datsun Roadster List <>,
Subject: Re[2]: July Fun Run
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 15:57:06 -0700
On 7/11/2001 Steve Allen <> wrote:

>This is for anyone in the area who might be interested. We are having 
>another club fun run Saturday the 28th of July. The details follow:
>PS:Skid Mark ain't got nothing to do with dirty underwear unless maybe 
>it is a passenger's problem. Our skid marks come from braking hard, 
>peeling out and just plain having fun.

I was fortunate to go on their first run last month in the SF north bay. 
Steve ain't lying, there was some hard acceleration around corners with 
screeching of tires and some loud yee-haws when we went airborn over 
some crests. Bring a pillow if you're squeamish! Then there was the 
narrow 2-lane backroads where tree-trunks were in half of a lane, with 
an occasional car coming from the other direction. Whoa!

Fred - So.SF

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