Bring lots of money, cash. may sound stupid, but any trip I had plenty
of cash on me went smooth and I never needed to spend the dough, no
matter what impending mechanical doom my car was planning for me.
As long as I had cash on me it would break when I got home but not on
the road.. Once I drove from Sacramento to La. car did fine, no
problems. The minute I pulled into the driveway of my destination and
turned off the car, I could not get the car running again! Turned out I
had a braided ground wire that was too short and all the motor movement
had been flexing the wire to the point of nothing being left intact.
The whole trip it had been hanging by a thread.... but, IT CHOSE NOT TO
I've also gone on trips where the car was checked out, prepared, and
given the "roadworthy stamp of approval", Didn't bring enough cash,
Broke down!
Moral of the story is: when you are prepared for something it won't.
When you are not.... It will!!
Have fun,
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