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Re: OT but neat sports car

To: "Roadster list" <>
Subject: Re: OT but neat sports car
From: Marc Tyler <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 17:55:16 -0500
>  Why would you ever want to replace a Ford 260/289 with a Rover 244?  There
>is a ton of speed equipment available for the 260/289 and lots of brush
>guards made for the Rover.
>-----Original Message-----
>>Should be easy enough to get running again. Buy a Range Rover, pull the
>>engine, and pop it in the Tiger ;-)
>>Marc T.
Oops , thought it was the old Buick V8, of course you're right...but it 
was just a joke......I'll make sure future jests are technically correct.

Roadster content:  It's raining cats and dogs and the roadster is dry 
under the new carport/awning :-)

Marc T.

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