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Re: 2000 clutch recommendations

Subject: Re: 2000 clutch recommendations
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 17:03:08 -0700
Mike Kerr of Roadster Restorations is where I got my clutch. He will also 
offer lots of tips. Phone: (530) 644-6777,  Fax: (530) 644-7252

Engine removal is relatively easy, and only takes a few hours at most. Just 
be sure you remove the pin connecting the shift lever at the rear of the 
trans, and rotate the shift stick assembly to the side. Also easier if you 
remove the carbs and exhaust manifold, and the radiator cross brace. I've 
got a detailing of most items to remove, at

With the 2000, you don't have to worry about draining the transmission before 
pulling the engine, so ignore that part.

________________________ Reply Separator ___________________________
>Subject: 2000 clutch recommendations
>Author:  "Andrew Jacobs" <>
>Date:    5/14/99 7:16 PM
>just looking for some suggestions on a good source for a quality clutch at
>(if possible) a reasonable price.  also, while i'm at it, just how hard is
>an engine removal?? i've done a 240z and it was relatively easy,  the
>roadster seems like it would be even easier.  thanks in advance,
>andy    69 2000

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