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Re: defense mechanisms

To: datsun-roadsters@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: defense mechanisms
From: Gordon Glasgow <>
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 17:14:34 -0800
At 10:23 PM 1/5/99 -0600, Chris Lyon wrote:
>With all the talk about car jacking I something today that just might
>intrest the more vindictive side of everyone. A guy was getting a tattoo
>toaday and was telling me about his 89 5.0 that he was racing before it got
>stolen and stripped back to stock condition. Note his car was stolen with
>two clubs and a viper alarm. He says yeah but check out my new club. A 2
>1\2 foot bar about 3 inches in diam. locks onto the wheel. you activate it
>with a remote like an alarm. If its disturbed a beeping goes off for 5
>seconds then whammoo arcs of electrical current around the bar and more
>concentrated on either end. talk about a suprised thief. It runs on 3
>9volts, a regular hand tazer can knock a 250 lb man  down on one 9 volt. He
>said about 200 dollars at a local tire store. Awsome display of
>discouragement if you ask me. I'm definatly saving up!

What's the brand? Sounds effective.

My only concern would be for the electrics in any modern car. Can you
imagine what a tazer shot would do to an ecu? But it might still be worth
it. Hmmm. Anyone have a good barbeque sauce recipe?
Gordon Glasgow
Renton, WA

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