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Re: Seven offer

Subject: Re: Seven offer
From: john donohoe <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 06:00:12 -0700 (PDT)
I'll post details once the deal is finalized.

John Donohoe

--- wrote:
> John,
> Just curious, how much was "Mr. Lotus" asking for
> the Seven in question and
> how much did you offer him?  I believe your Mr.
> Lotus sounds like many other
> used car dealers who handle unusual cars.  They
> really haven't done their
> homework on car details and history.  At least
> you've contacted the chapman
> list and gotten some good information back.  I
> didn't do that with my first
> Seven and spent too much on a car that didn't have
> an original chassis plate
> and was not terribly well restored.
> Gene

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