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Hot Rod article on 215/3.5 litre is Done

To: <buick-rover-v8@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Hot Rod article on 215/3.5 litre is Done
From: "OP" <oliverp@gte.net>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 23:22:22 -0700
I know many of you were wanting to get this, but I seriously under
estimated the difficulty in converting this 38 year old mag into a readable
pdf file, I had OCR the text, thatwas a bitch all by itself. I had a lot of
problemsbecause the pages are quite yellowed, but after a week of work I'm
very happy with the results. 

I hope you guys like this, all I ask is some feedback on what you think
about the article, as well as how the layout looks. this was my first time
making a article like this.

Due to the size (1.35meg) I will not e-mail it unless you are unable to D/L
from the page I created for it.


On the cover you will see a picture of Victor Edelbrock weighing the
engine. I probably would have been donefaster, but I became engroosed in
reading the magazinecover to cover. I found a classified adfrom Craig
Breedlove selling his hotrod before he was known as the worlds contender
for the speed record.

BTW: I stongly reccomend you use a resumable file download program like
GoZilla, otherwise you may be dissapointed with an unfinished download.

gozilla is freeware, and can be found on www.Download.com

to view the file you will need to have Adobe Acrobat reader installed, itis
also freeware, and there is a link at the bottom of this e-mail.

I'm going to put some pix of my 64 Triumph TR4 on my site eventually this
week, and will put others cars on as well if anyone wants.

Oliver P.


If you don't already have it, DownLoad Acrobat Reader

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