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Re: Trumph V8s

To: buick-rover-v8@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Trumph V8s
From: adh@an.bradford.ma.us (Sandwich Maker)
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 98 07:49 EDT
"From: Dan Carrington <dc_grafx@microworks.net>
"Yes it is but the right hand side is mirrored not exactly the same. 
"Realize that the camshaft timing chain is on the front of both and
"intake is from the center of the engine.  A nice idea but slightly
"unfesable.  Would also be neet if possible with the sprint SOHC 4-valve
"head but the same problem comes up.
"Lar Kaufman wrote:
"> I read somewhere that the Stag V8 used two SAAB/Triumph 4-cyl heads.
"> If so, the hot ticket would be to build a Stag V8 with current SAAB
"> heads and that nifty turbo EFI technology...
another problem - the fours are 2.0 and 2.3L vs the v8 3.0; that
suggests that they have considerably larger bore, and a head designed
around that would have big valve interference problems on the
comparatively small-bore v8 block.

i always thought the stag v8 had a lot of potential - as witness the
legs the four has shown - and regret that they never stuck with it and
put the fixes to it that the four got.

back on topic -- it's also sad that buick developed so much
performance stuff for the v6 but never invested the minimal effort to
produce v8 versions.  otoh, i dunno if the stage-whatever heads are
iron or aluminum but you could make v8 versions by cutting and
Andrew Hay                              there is nothing more fulfilling
internet rambler                        than doing a good deed in secret
adh@an.bradford.ma.us                   and then being discovered

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