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Re: Mouses vs. upholstery

Subject: Re: Mouses vs. upholstery
From: (Tim Dziechowski)
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 94 15:26:15 EST
Ray Gibbons writes:

> I am told that they particularly enjoy nests in the
> heater ducts made of chewed up upholstery and carpet.

I had my Midget up on ramps in the garage for about a month while I dealt
with more pressing affairs.  I finally got time to spend an afternoon with
it and had a hard time starting it.  "Oh, must be fouled problem."
Pull plugs 4, 3, and 2 and clean.  Remove heater duct to get at plug #1 and...

the engine compartment gets buried in a _shower_ of acorns which some
enterprising rodent had stashed for the winter.  The 5" duct hose was
packed solid from the front intake to the heater box.

> So far, no problems, but I do have nightmares in which mice, their mouths
> full of carpet, play a significant part.  How do others deal with this?

For the garage, I just borrowed the neighbor's cat for a few days.  In the
house, I have used (don't hit me :-) a better mousetrap which never fails.
This is a plastic box with a hinged door at one end, conveniently sized
for a peanut butter laden cracker and a hungry mouse.  The door only opens
inward, so once in the mouse is stuck.  I may try these in the garage, but
I wouldn't put them inside the car.  We don't want mice to start perceiving
LBC's as a source of peanut butter.  (Tim Dziechowski - Phoenix Technologies - Cambridge, Mass)

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