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List of stuff I have

To: Bricklin <>
Subject: List of stuff I have
From: "M.G. Davis" <davis@UnbSJ.CA>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 10:15:25 -0300 (ADT)
Here is a list of some Bricklin memorabilia I have.  I have not priced 
anything because I am not sure I want to sell it, I have no idea what to 
ask, and I would probably ask too much :-)  Enjoy the list regardless!)

----------------  Bricklin Stuff -------------------

1 copy of book :"BRICKLIN" by H. A. Fredericks with Allan Chamers 

1976 information relating to a 1976 Bricklin owners get-toogether at Lake 
Placid, NY.

News article about Bricklin, October 20, 1976, Toronto Star

Newspaper article about Bricklin, December 4, 1976, Moncton (NB) Transcript

Copy of the original Bricklin Business Proposal to the Canadian 
Government, April 3, 1973

News article about the failure of the Brisklin factory, December 13, 1977

Book: "HOW TO BRICKLE" (full of pictures made into cartoons) (Copy 1 of 2)

Book: "HOW TO BRICKLE" (full of pictures made into cartoons) (Copy 2 of 2)

Book: "BRICKLESMANSHIP" (Full of quotations)

Photocopy of "The Bricklin Employee News) Vol. 1 No 1, WInter 1974.  
Includes list of articles about Brucklin publishedin magazines (shows how 
good their PR people were!)

Copy of "Road & Track" (Aug 1974) with article (Number 1 of 2 copies)

Copy of "Road & Track" (Aug 1974) with article (Number 2 of 2 copies)

Copy of "Car and Driver" July 1974 with article

Copy of "Road Test" August 1974 with article

Invitation from Premier of New Brunswick to reception (Aug 6 1974) with 
map shoeing how to get to it from the Bricklin factory.

Words to song by Sammy Cahn, sung by him at reception at Four Seasons 
Restaurant in NYC, "The Most Beautiful Car in the World"

Nine different Bricklin press releases on original Briclkin stationery.

Photo of the Bricklin 

Photo of Premier Hatfield of New Brunswick sittiing in Bricklin and waving

Photocopies of 9 magazine articles about the Bricklin.

Promotional poster/ad with printed message from Malcolm Bricklin on back 
(wityh facsimile signature)

Photo of Premier Hatfield (car not shown)

6 or 7 newspaper clippings, some with pictures

Bricklin showroom-tytpe booklet

Bricklin poster (front view)

Bricklin poster, front view, with printing on back

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