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RE: Noise, spin, and Karl Rove

To: "'Anthony Tabacco'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Noise, spin, and Karl Rove
From: <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 10:23:19 -0700
What is even is not only what the perception is, that matters,
but what the powers-that-be's perception of the perception...that's the real


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Anthony Tabacco
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:15 AM
Subject: Noise, spin, and Karl Rove

It doesn't matter what the law actually says or what makes sense, is 
enforceable, or how politically marginalized our neighbors are. Only the 
perception matters.

We are gong to be losing sites. You are going to sit down to an informal 
lunch with a City Manager, the Police Chief, the Fire Chief, and the 
Planning Director, and have to do this drill. Why make life hard for 
yourself? The actual hearing will be worse.

We all know this thread (I'm down on myself for jumping in)and unlike 
the issue, it will just fade away. But name anyone on the Alameda or 
Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors who will go to bat for you when 
a casual passerby mentions it at a fundraiser.


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