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GGF this Sunday

To: <>
Subject: GGF this Sunday
From: "Anthony Tabacco" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 15:00:12 -0700
Well, in waiting for everyone to return to the sensible end of the county, I
seem to have let the first Slush get quite near without getting our team in
place. I have some nice rookie co-chairs (Zack Scibior gets first crack if
he is available) if anyone would like to do Chair duties and needs help.

If all else fails I will cover this, but it would be my preference not to.
Jim Ochi will do motorhome duties, the insurance certificate is in T&S, and
there is plenty of gypsum on hand, so it is a no-brainer. Remember, GGF is a
10:00 extra setup hour start. Its a can't miss for the willing. Remember,
only three Slush events are still open.

If I do Chair, I could use an experienced course designer. I only ask that
it be per our normal SFR regional practice. Let me know as soon as possible.

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