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Re: Travel time to "big" events

To: <>
Subject: Re: Travel time to "big" events
From: "Josh Sirota" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 23:50:24 -0800
Man, you are all painting a pretty negative picture!

For San Diego, I have no problem leaving early Friday morning (say, 6am), and
arriving late afternoon.  Enough time to walk the course and get dinner before
going to bed.  Sunday night is a late night, plan on getting to bed at 2am-3am
(unless your trailer's axle catches on fire, in which case you'll be spending
the night in Burbank.  That was '99.)

For Topeka, it's 24-25 hours of driving.  2 nights going out.  Coming back,
thanks to two time zone changes in your favor, you can leave Topeka at 6am or
7am and still get back during daylight on Sunday night, with a healthy night's
sleep on Saturday night.  Best done with a co-driver, but it's still a
comfortable drive.

All of that is possible towing a trailer without REALLY pushing it.  I didn't
realize everyone else was so slow.

(But two hands worth of fingers isn't enough time to count the number of times
our caravan has been delayed due to problems with someone's trailer, or
construction, etc ...)


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