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Re: Tint, tiny trailers for tiny, tiny cars.

To: "Sean Bradshaw" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Tint, tiny trailers for tiny, tiny cars.
From: "M.J. Dunlap and Lolita M. Adrien" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 20:29:21 -0800
OK I've read enough.
The truly cool thing to do is build your own, or chop up something else and
re-assemble it as a little car tire trailer.
Having done the latter I can interject a few important elements to this
First, I used what was once a car carrier and fiberglassed it back together 9"
deeper than it started so that the non-tire stuff could travel in relative
comfort of, 1-  dry and 2- dirt/mud free. This turned out pretty well and I
(for 1) think looks pretty cool. Especially with the fenders custom made from
a sono-tube mold. I digress
The trailer used to be the method of transport for my 800 pound arc welder. As
you might expect, 1 set of miata autocross wheels weigh a tad less than that
and the trailer frame was, shall we say' oversprung by a couple of pounds. It
was also oversprung as in the springs sat on top of the axel and thus I
couldn't see over the new box.Not what I envisioned.
Disassemble everything, mount the axel on top of the springs (cool, a lowered
trailer) then start removing leaves until the trailer would stay on the ground
going over the railroad tracks down the block.
As for the look behind a convert with the top down.... how many of you can say
that you have seen it with the top up?
By the way, if you drive in the rite (right) lane and at a consistent speed,
use your turn signals and don't weave....
I generally set the cruise at 68-70 and coming home from the last event had a
CHP nod and smile as he went by.
Someday I might even finish it and add paint and stickers.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Bradshaw" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 20:17 PM
Subject: Re: Tint, tiny trailers for tiny, tiny cars.

> Having just acquired my second MR2, the first being an '85 and the second
> '03, I've found that I could probably stuff my entire '03 into the
> storage space in the '85. You do not fully understand what 1.9 cubic feet
> cargo room means on the new 2's until with the spare tire still in place
> try putting a shoebox into the frunk (front trunk for all you non MR2
> people) and realize it'll have to ride in the passengers seat.
> As far as having a trailer behind a really tiny car I've seen Miata's do it
> all the time, it looks cool. What I've yet to see is a Miata with the top
> down with a trailer though, that'll be cool. Jake I'll be interested to see
> what you put together so I can eventually have something similar with my
> Spyder.
> -Sean
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 6:27 PM
> Subject: Re: Tint, tiny trailers for tiny, tiny cars.
> > But.. But.. Then I don't get to tow a trailer behind my
> > tiny mid-engine sports car..
> >
> > See how that's important?  It's more than just a handy
> > way to transport and preserve my race tires.  It's a
> > way I can share a little insight into the true depths
> > of my insanity with everyone in the world.  (Or doesn't
> > it strike you as insane to tow with an MR2?  Maybe you
> > should examine that if it doesnt.)
> >
> > In addition, it allows me to carry additional items to
> > events in my tiny improbably impractical MR2.  You
> > know, like my cell phone, some chapstick, and my
> > keyless entry fob.
> >
> > Jake

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