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Forwarded: RE: Castle event on Sunday

Subject: Forwarded: RE: Castle event on Sunday
From: List Administration <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 13:05:40 -0700 (MST)
For some reason this was sent to me rather than
Reply to author, not me.


------- Start of forwarded message -------
     From: "Charles Cox" <>
     Subject: RE: Castle event on Sunday
     Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 05:44:27 -0800

The lot is concrete, not as abrasive as Marina. It will clean up your tires.
Speeds are as high as anywhere (contrary to previous response) have been on
the rev-limiter in 2nd many times there and although may look small, is
generally as long (time wise) as other courses.  People are great, low key
and usually not a very large field.  Have been able to get fun runs in
before the noon break before.  All that and 5 runs to boot!

Bit of a drive, but I think worth it.

Charles Cox
CSP Miata
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