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Re: There is no free clinic for this

To: Anthony Tabacco <>, <>
Subject: Re: There is no free clinic for this
From: Lolita and Mike <>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 23:09:05 -0800
on 2/19/02 16:29, Anthony Tabacco at wrote:

> As a  non-computer guy's product recomendtion for anyone with email,  I have
> found Norton's  Anti-virus program to be really excellent . It screens
> everything as it comes in and partitions it off if there is a problem. It
> does this before it is downloaded. It creates its own firewall so it never
> even reaches our house server. It also scans any outgoing files before they
> are sent, plus it does a periodic or on-demand full search of all files. It
> updates itself online (it tells you before it does), and when a particularly
> sick person gets inventive somewhere in the world, which is apprarantly
> quite often, it automatically notifies you promptly that the patch is
> available to download. You don't have to wait nine days. Even I can use it,
> thats how easy it is. It ain't free, but its cheap.
> Wondering why there are apparantly a lot of strange people loose out there
> to prey on normal folks,
> Tony

Not for sure Tony, but I think it's because they made it politically
incorrect to kill them. ( Thus ruining Darwin's Theory)

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