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Re: Where is this Albany lot?

To: "Rich Urschel" <>,
Subject: Re: Where is this Albany lot?
From: "James Creasy" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 18:43:40 -0700
i attended one of the those promotional BMW autox events there last year.
Gilman exit.

tire wear should be moderate.  they wouldnt let us turn off the traction
control or ABS so i was forced into 'special' maneuvers to test the


-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Urschel <>
To: Steven J. Sherwood <>
Cc: Chris Tweney <>; Ba-Autox@Autox. Team. Net
Date: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: Where is this Albany lot?

>"Steven J. Sherwood" wrote:
>> Is there something on the SFR SCCA website about how to
>> get there?  If there is...I didn't find it..I will look
>Jerry's fast but John just completed this deal.
>To answer the question in your subject, it's in Albany,
>CA. Look for Golden Gate Fields on any map. It's next
>to I-80 between the Gilman and Buchanan exits. I
>can't recall if it has it's own exit not having been
>there in 20+ years. I do remember shotguns in
>the cash room. :-)
>Chris Tweney wrote:
>> > Don McKenna, do you have your amazing tire wear data for the
>> > Albany lot, too?
>I don't think Don's been there for a while either.
>Rich Urschel

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