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RE: Stockton slalom - which way did you go

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Stockton slalom - which way did you go
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 21:56:31 -0700
> Editorial comment:  I disagree with optional direction slaloms.  There were 4
> different courses you could have driven on Sunday.  There should be one
> course for everyone.  I disagree with Kevin that this is the same thing as
> line selection.  This sport is difficult enough to get right when we're all
> going on the same side of the cones, much less to try to figure out which way
> to take the slalom(s).  There are also slaloms where the proper direction is
> considerably less obvious than on Sunday, and that's where I differ even more
> strongly.

That's ok, Charlie, we don't have to agree all the time.  It doesn't hurt you to
be wrong every once in awhile...  ;)


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