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Re: Stockton slalom - which way did you go

To:, Mark.Watson@Schwab.COM,
Subject: Re: Stockton slalom - which way did you go
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 11:31:13 PDT
>From: Scot Zediker <>
>To: "Watson, Mark" <Mark.Watson@Schwab.COM>,
>Subject: Re: Stockton slalom - which way did you go
>Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 10:55:48 -0700 (PDT)
>I tried both, although I did the outside line by
>accident on my third run (came into the slalom too
>hot).  I thought starting the slalom on the inside was
>quicker because it gave me a better line into the
>sweeper at the end.
>Now how many of you downshifted for the hairpins near
>the finish? :)

That's a trick question - I never upshifted.  ;)


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