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Re: This is, not an english class!

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>, "Lloyd Loring" <>,
Subject: Re: This is, not an english class!
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 12:35:24 -0600
Katie wrote:

>"Concertive" means people who go to concerts a lot. Example,
"There goes
>Robert to the Who show. He's seen them twenty times already. He
is very

Which leads to requests for additional definitions, to wit:

assertive - one who attends asses?

proactive - professionally active?

Which leads to the whole subject of pre- and post- fixes. What
about the rest of the word (the "fix)? Example: "He's really ept
at tying his shoes."  "Since you plied the question, I'll reply."

>I noticed my improper verb usage after sending the post.

Well, the improper verb usage actually occurred before you sent
the post.  ;<)

> In fact, I noticed
>many an error, and winced in pain.

A comma is not required when the expression following "and" is
not a complete sentence.

Jay "just kidding, honest" Mitchell

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