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Re: Old Age

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Old Age
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 09:47:31 -0400
>So, we left the rest room in a blue funk out into the wind and hail. I was
>determined to hold on to my youth, so I decided to make a run for it. We
>know that young people just have too much energy, and darn it, I may be
>nearly almost thirty within the next several months of even years, but I
>FEEL like I'm twelve, and I FEEL like doing windsprints and yes, even

"What's the point of being grown up if you can't act childish sometimes?"  -
The Doctor, "Dr. Who"

I live by this.  I don't feel the slightest bit old at 25, not far behind
you!  Sure, my hair is ever so slightly starting to migrate an infinitesimal
distance backward from its original position.  But that's only because I
wear it long (halfway down my back), and gravity is having an effect on it
after wearing it this way for a few years.  Remember the thrill you got when
you were a little kid and rode your bike as fast as your little legs would
carry you down the driveway?  Well, the driveway is now a cone filled
parking lot, slightly more technical and twisty; the legs are still pushing
pedals, though they're a bit longer and there are three pedals to work with;
and the bike is a well tuned, high performance automobile instead of a $50
Sears bike with training wheels; but the concept is exactly the same.  And
that, my friend, is why people like us may physically age, but we'll NEVER
grow old. :)

    - Justin

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