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Re: Hello to everyone on the Cyber Directory

To: "Andrew Thompson" <ajt@expmining.com.au>
Subject: Re: Hello to everyone on the Cyber Directory
From: "jonmac" <jonmac@ndirect.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 16:46:43 +0100
Hi, Andy

>I've just read Six Appeal and was wondering if this thing works so here

Well, it reached me anyway!

>Has anybody fitted front vented discs and four pot calipers to one of our

I know a nuber of people in the past have done some major revisions broadly
in line with your query but this was in the days before e-mail hit the
world. As you'll see, I've copied this to Martin Jubb in Bristol who
(still?) owns the car on the front cover of Feb 99 SIXappeal. I believe he's
got quite a lot of knowledge and experience on matters in this department,
so aybe he can give you the benefit of his experience.

>Monarch Spares in the UK mention an all disc conversion... has anyone dealt
>with these guys???

No - I haven't.

For anyone else who has recently joined this list and inclined to reply to
whatever submissions come in, please copy your reply (unless personal or
private) to the list as a whole, so that we can all benefit from group

John Mac

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