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References: [ 4 ]

Total 4 documents matching your query.

1. TR 250/TR5/TR6 Head differances (score: 1)
Author: Kenneth Brown <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 11:49:42 -0800
I was doing a little research on the head differences on the TR 250, TR 5, and TR 6 and wondering if anyone could shed more light on the subject. I'm particularly interested in the different in the U
/html/vtr/1997-11/msg00009.html (6,915 bytes)

2. Re: TR 7 1977 -Reply (score: 1)
Author: Kenneth Brown <>
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 07:32:58 -0800
Since a large part of a restoration project cost the same for any car, a good rule if your looking at solely recouping the cost of the restoration is to start with a vehicle that has a high resale va
/html/vtr/1997-08/msg00007.html (8,556 bytes)

3. Book Review (score: 1)
Author: Kenneth Brown <>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 07:02:06 -0800
While I have owned Triumphs for over 20 years I have never taken a chance to read anthing about the marque other than whats in the repair manuals. I'd like to change that so I took a quick look at th
/html/vtr/1997-08/msg00020.html (6,793 bytes)

4. Book Review Summary (score: 1)
Author: Kenneth Brown <>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 09:06:18 -0800
I would like to thank all those for their suggestons on some light reading concerning the history of the Triumph Marque. It seems that anything from Robson or Piggott is a good place to start. A word
/html/vtr/1997-08/msg00022.html (7,710 bytes)

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