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References: [ 527 ]

Total 527 documents matching your query.

281. Re: [TR] Trailer Queens and tribal fractionation (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 18:04:36 EST
So here is my point: please remember its the delight of owning these adorable cars that unites us. How we express that joy - as ratty cars, daily drivers or trailer queens, is unimportant. We are all
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00672.html (8,746 bytes)

282. Re: [TR] Reputable Chrome Plater? (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 14:53:58 EST
In NE Ohio you have Custom Chrome in Grafton for the Super Rich. I believe they have 3 grades with Sky High pricing. Never used them but I have been told that the quality can't be surpassed. I use Er
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00699.html (7,464 bytes)

283. [TR] Ebay 80 TR7 Spider (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 14:13:40 EST
I am wettin my pants. 8 Hours to go on what looks like a 45K mile FI TR7 Spider in original condition. BUY IT NOW for 8 Large. Wife is giving me "that look" and not saying much of anything. The car
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00718.html (6,243 bytes)

284. Re: [TR] TR3A upper control arms (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 17:43:28 EST
On mine, the front upper control arm slides over the rear arm at the ball joint (splined hole) when viewing from the side of the car. Ray and Randall, UH OH! I was wondering about this. TR3B's suspen
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00805.html (8,866 bytes)

285. Re: [TR] TR3A upper control arms (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 17:56:26 EST
Page G11 of the factory workshop manual (or page 239 of the Bentley reprint), section 15 paragraph (iii) : "With the ball pin assembly towards the operator the wishbone flange on the right overlaps t
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00808.html (8,704 bytes)

286. Re: [TR] Help! Tappet noise (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 18:12:13 EST
I can only offer morale support. If you are talking about the screw at the Rear of the Rocker Arm, I had the same thing happen to the TR3B years ago. I was lucky enough to find the screw although I
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00809.html (7,590 bytes)

287. Re: [TR] Help! Tappet noise (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 15:57:01 EST
I really believe in those magnetic plugs ever since I once changed the oil in the 70 Spitfire MK3 and pulled out a thrust washer. What a Bummer! It was the nite before a Race Day at Nelson's Ledges T
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00843.html (8,169 bytes)

288. Re: [TR] TR2 - early TR4 upper control arms (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 13:54:43 EST
Peter, TR3B TCF 2645 L , a late B, Does indeed have the strengthened version that is boxed in at the bottom. TR4 CT 5521 LO, sort of early TR4 also has the strengthened version. Cheers, Darrell == Th
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00861.html (7,258 bytes)

289. Re: [TR] oops forgot to ask about shocks (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 10:09:49 EST
Mark, I have the Spax variety on the 68/70 GT6+, Koni's on all the other Triumphs. It is advantageous during the initial set up. Truth is at least for me once that is done I do not fool around much w
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00878.html (7,110 bytes)

290. Re: [TR] Holy Silverstone value, Batman! (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 15:57:13 EST
Nick, Thanks! So I done good back in the mid 90's when I paid the ridiculous amount of $1100 for my set that is on the 62 TR4. They were freshly restored and came with 5 outstanding spinners too. Peo
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00884.html (7,673 bytes)

291. [TR] Looking For Mark Bradakis (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 16:42:08 EST
Hi Guys, I would like to get in touch would Mark in regards to a Autocross question for VTR 07. Mark is listed as the VTR Autocross Advisor. Does anyone have contact information? Thanks in Advance, D
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00885.html (6,496 bytes)

292. [TR] Rad-co Frame Inquiry (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2007 15:03:19 EST
The following came over the VTR Board List in Regard to Rad-Co Reproduction Frames. If anyone out there could help Fred out we would appreciate it. Cheers, Darrell Member inquiry looking for feedbac
/html/triumphs/2007-02/msg00051.html (6,956 bytes)

293. Re: [TR] RE: List Volume (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2007 15:26:59 EST
I just sent an inquiry about Rad-co Frames to the Triumph List and the 6-PACK List. Triumph list came right thru. 6-PACK did not. I can't recall getting anything from there in a while. Seems like th
/html/triumphs/2007-02/msg00052.html (6,661 bytes)

294. Re: [TR] RE: [TR] TRF S/P (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 23:43:17 EST
Rick is right, and Dave Massey is right. PVGP is a wonderful event with just the right mix of racing and shows. Charles is indeed trying to please and balance the best interests of both crowds and al
/html/triumphs/2007-02/msg00170.html (8,252 bytes)

295. Re: [TR] My return to the List (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 3 May 2007 11:50:40 EDT
Steve, Welcome back good ole buddy. You have been missed! We once shared ownership of TR3B's yours Signal Red and mine Powder Blue. You remember the time we tied for first place in Concours at a VTR
/html/triumphs/2007-05/msg00032.html (7,779 bytes)

296. Re: [TR] DOT3 vs DOT5 Brake Fluid (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 15:50:37 EDT
Bob, I use it in all 11 of my Triumphs. Only problems I ever had was related to heavy use during hard driving. Once in the TR8 while running laps on Nelsons Ledges Road course I pretty much lost the
/html/triumphs/2007-05/msg00170.html (9,495 bytes)

297. Re: [TR] DOT3 vs DOT5 Brake Fluid (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 09:37:47 EDT
I have this really bad habit of shaking the bottle of fluif before I put it in. Oh, that is a bad thing with silicone! Ha! No kidding, I can't get myself to stop. Just seems like a natural thing to d
/html/triumphs/2007-05/msg00235.html (7,850 bytes)

298. Re: [TR] RE: [Bmcu] TR3 Oil (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 11:18:48 EDT
Hey Jerry, You know one could have bought that aluminum sump for $26.25 new in the early sixties as a competition accessory. What worth about a grand now? Of course OD was only $160! Those go for ove
/html/triumphs/2007-05/msg00341.html (8,058 bytes)

299. Re: [TR] Does anyone know a good source for Red Lines (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 09:28:53 EDT
Last I heard the Michelin Red Lines were only available from Coker Tire. I ordered a set last year when the word went out that they will no longer be made. At that time the lady at Coker confirmed th
/html/triumphs/2007-05/msg00408.html (7,209 bytes)

300. Re: [TR] Does anyone know a good source for Red Lines (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 13:58:49 EDT
Actually the new manufacture Michelin X Redlines use modern rubber compounds. You can tell the difference by the X on the sidewall. The old ones do not have an X and are rock hard. The new ones are m
/html/triumphs/2007-05/msg00415.html (8,368 bytes)

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