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Total 484 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Drain pipes under attack? (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 08:56:13 -0500
Quoting Steve Hammatt <>: I've seen evidence of rodents chewing on plastic wire insulation... Eric Russell Mebane, NC
/html/shop-talk/2006-03/msg00000.html (6,151 bytes)

2. Re: Tablesaw vs commercial or homemade straight edge? (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 20:53:04 -0500
I have a 12" PowerMatic 5hp 3PH table saw. And I bought it for $200! However, one cannot take that behemoth to the job site! I have borrowed a friend's portable table saw and found it more than adequ
/html/shop-talk/2006-03/msg00064.html (7,683 bytes)

3. Re: Tablesaw vs commercial or homemade straight edge? (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 23:05:02 -0500
I'd suggest something like this: or this Eric Russell Mebane, NC
/html/shop-talk/2006-03/msg00067.html (7,420 bytes)

4. Re: Blast Cabinet Question: How Tall? (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 20:12:28 -0500
When I built my blast cabinet I made the bottom of the arm holes about elbow height. I later added some casters under the unit so now the arm holes are slightly higher than my elbow height. It is qui
/html/shop-talk/2006-02/msg00033.html (7,419 bytes)

5. Re: Blast Cabinet Question: How Tall? (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 08:42:50 -0500
Funny story - my Dad told me of a co-worker who always spent more time complaining than working. This guy's latest complaint was that his blast cabinet was too low and it hurt his back. One day, afte
/html/shop-talk/2006-02/msg00040.html (7,287 bytes)

6. Re: Duct work (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:03:59 -0500
Quoting john niolon <>: That's not how they do it on American Chopper. They make paper patterns, mock it up then transfer the paper to sheet metal. Then they weld the heck out of i
/html/shop-talk/2006-02/msg00071.html (6,709 bytes)

7. gasoline resistant paint? (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 21:55:51 -0500
Seeking BTDT re: gasoline resistant paint. I need to paint the fuel filler assembly on our Alfa Spider. So I'm looking for something fuel-proof & reasonably scratch resistant (to resist scratching fr
/html/shop-talk/2006-01/msg00029.html (7,666 bytes)

8. RE: core drilling brick (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 14:10:27 -0500
I'm not clear what you mean by 'core drill'. At first I thought you meant you wanted to take out the core of a brick - to test it for something...? If you mean you want to drill a 1.5" hole through a
/html/shop-talk/2006-01/msg00077.html (7,699 bytes)

9. RE: core drilling brick (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 17:05:34 -0500
Original Message: Well, it was quite a few years ago. The hole was large enough to pass some ~2" iron pipe through. I was relocating the fill & vent pipes for a fuel oil tank. IIRC, it was some sort
/html/shop-talk/2006-01/msg00081.html (7,735 bytes)

10. RE: core drillling (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 17:23:42 -0500
As I recall, the hole I hammer-drilled through a concrete foundation wall was neat but not perfect. Since it was the back wall of a garage and into the basement, it was fine for my intended use. So,
/html/shop-talk/2006-01/msg00082.html (7,116 bytes)

11. Re: 20# propane tanks - half full or half empty??? (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 09:34:24 -0500
Put them on a bathroom scale. IIRC, an empty tank weighs about 15-17 lbs, a full tank weighs about, umm, well, 20 lbs more... I don't know if a re-fill of a 1/2 full tank would cost less. I've always
/html/shop-talk/2005-12/msg00151.html (8,465 bytes)

12. Re: The case of the missing mousetrap (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 11:06:49 -0500
Next time attach one of those key-finder gadgets to the trap. Then, if the trap goes missing, push the button on the key-finder and listen for the beeping. I suspect if the trapped mouse is still in
/html/shop-talk/2005-12/msg00247.html (7,370 bytes)

13. RE: Ford Windstar Door Light Switches (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2005 21:11:15 -0500
I've had similar on my '99 F250. It was known issue on one of the Yahoo Groups I used to monitor. The fix involved WD-40 and spraying either the hinge or latch mechanisms. I suffer from CRS, sorry I
/html/shop-talk/2005-12/msg00266.html (7,486 bytes)

14. Re: CRS (was: Ford Windstar Door Light Switches) (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 08:30:02 -0500
Oops. And I guess I should say I 'suffer' from it. I'm learning to enjoy it. I meet new friends everyday. I can even hide my own Easter eggs... Eric Russell Mebane, NC
/html/shop-talk/2005-12/msg00268.html (7,102 bytes)

15. Re: Building a blast cabinet from a kit (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2005 18:09:25 -0500
shop-talk supported in part by Fat Chance Garage I built my blast cabinet based on the picture in the Tip catalog (but I didn't buy/follow their plans). I used 1/2" plywood
/html/shop-talk/2005-11/msg00025.html (8,659 bytes)

16. Re: Building a blast cabinet from a kit (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 14:24:47 -0500
shop-talk supported in part by Fat Chance Garage I glued a piece of resist - rubber sheet used for making sign stencils - to the back wall on my home made cabinet. Eric Rus
/html/shop-talk/2005-11/msg00035.html (8,169 bytes)

17. Re: Machine screw dimensions online (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 22:01:14 -0500
shop-talk supported in part by Fat Chance Garage Here's one: Eric Russell STOC #2860 Mebane, NC http://home.mebte
/html/shop-talk/2005-11/msg00119.html (7,641 bytes)

18. Re: Painting a house in a hurry (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 20:12:50 -0400
-- Original Message -- I spray-painted my aunt's house with latex house paint. I used a pressure pot and air gun. The pressure pot allowed me to either put a one gallon can inside or pour in multi-ga
/html/shop-talk/2005-10/msg00010.html (8,924 bytes)

19. Re: Painting a house in a hurry (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 12:53:36 -0400
un-uh. I learned my lesson. I always have something planned. Eric Russell Mebane, NC Eric, Whatcha doing Saturday morning? I'll run out and get some brushes.... :) :
/html/shop-talk/2005-10/msg00017.html (8,525 bytes)

20. donations? (score: 1)
Author: "Eric J Russell" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 10:43:10 -0400
I admit I don't usually read the trailer Mark sticks on the end of every I did see this today: Help keep Team.Net on the air "The Team.Net email, archive, ftp and web
/html/shop-talk/2005-10/msg00025.html (6,839 bytes)

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