- 1. New LSR Site for collectors (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 22:12:55 -0700
- Hi LSR Buffs, Tonight, I went "live" with a web site I've been working on for the past few months. If is for people who collect models, books, trading cards and, for that matter, ANYTHING about Land
- /html/land-speed/2002-08/msg00484.html (7,319 bytes)
- 2. Favorite LSR Book (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2002 09:09:16 -0800
- I recently read a history book about LSR that has now become not only my favorite book on the subject, but also one of my all-time top automotive books. It is called "Life with the Speed King", by Le
- /html/land-speed/2002-02/msg00014.html (7,375 bytes)
- 3. Re: South Texas Runway Race (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 23:00:10 -0800
- I'd also like to know where and what is planned. My little P125 Cagiva record holder hasn't had a chance to show it's stuff for many years! - Carl Dreher Dallas /// unsubscribe/change address request
- /html/land-speed/2002-02/msg00230.html (8,065 bytes)
- 4. Re: LSR Magazine (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2001 13:47:06 -0800
- Is everyone aware of "Fast Facts", the magazine produced by the Speed Record club in England? It really isn't LSR focused, since it covers water and air speed records too, but I enjoy reading it. - C
- /html/land-speed/2001-12/msg00729.html (6,890 bytes)
- 5. Re: sorrow and anger (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 10:20:07 -0500
- My personal feelings right now are along the lines of "We've spent billions of dollars perfecting nuclear weapons. It is time to get our money's worth." I'm sure cooler heads will prevail, but if my
- /html/land-speed/2001-09/msg00293.html (7,113 bytes)
- 6. Re: Visibility at Bonneville on bikes (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 10:13:13 -0500
- It has been a dozen years since I was a Bonneville riding a motorcycle, but thought I'd chime in. When tucked in, I laid my head sideways on the tank behind the fairing and watched the line at the si
- /html/land-speed/2001-08/msg00485.html (7,053 bytes)
- 7. LSR Harley (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 08:04:49 -0500
- Just wanted to alert everyone to a video tape that is about the Harley team that set the LSR motorcycle record in the early 1990's. I got a copy off of eBay for about $10 and it is GREAT! Lots of gr
- /html/land-speed/2001-04/msg00612.html (7,012 bytes)
- 8. Re: MC aerodynamics (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 22:06:33 -0600
- There was a two-part article on motorcycle aerodynamics in "Motorcycle Consumer News", Vol 26, #5, May 1995 and the following June issue. The author (Jim Reed) was working on a 125cc Can-Am for Bonne
- /html/land-speed/2001-02/msg00520.html (7,306 bytes)
- 9. Re: LSR magazines (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 22:27:50 -0600
- For those of you with a historical interest in LSR, there is also "Fast Facts", the quarterly newsletter of the Speed Record Club. A very nice b&w magazine. Go to www.soft.net.uk/speedrecordclub for
- /html/land-speed/2001-02/msg01105.html (6,371 bytes)
- 10. Re: NSU Motorcycles (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 18:19:59 -0600
- I visited the NSU motorcycle museum about 10 years ago and was lucky enough to be allowed to crawl all over these bikes, taking pictures. (The museum was almost deserted of visitors and the curators
- /html/land-speed/2001-01/msg01422.html (7,453 bytes)
- 11. Re: Two Stroke Performance (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 08:29:56 -0600
- Both! BTW, the Suzuki "Water Buffalo" was the basis for their 750cc triple racer that Barry Scheen made so famous. There is a variety of older privateer version of 2-stroke racers out there, includin
- /html/land-speed/2000-03/msg00011.html (7,459 bytes)
- 12. Vespa LSR photos (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 22:53:54 -0600
- Hi Everyone, Months ago I promised pictures of the Vespa LSR streamliner that was on display at Neiman Marcus. Here they are. Go to: members.aol.com/CTDreher/Vespa/vespa.html - Carl
- /html/land-speed/2000-02/msg00283.html (6,256 bytes)
- 13. LSR History Channel tapes (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 09:54:40 -0600
- Hi All, My sweet wife bought me the four-tape "Speed Record" set from the History channel for Valentine's Day. We haven't yet watched the air/sea/human-powered tapes, but the Land Speed Record tape i
- /html/land-speed/2000-02/msg00434.html (6,447 bytes)
- 14. Re: Two Stroke Performance (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 16:27:45 -0600
- == I ran a PRODUCTION classes (lights, mufflers, etc.) Cagiva 125cc motorcycle at Bonneville in 1988. 32HP from 7.6 cubic inches. Factory racers get close to 44. Someday I wish I can see the Kreidler
- /html/land-speed/2000-02/msg00594.html (7,429 bytes)
- 15. LSR models (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 12:22:31 -0600
- Just thought I'd let everyone on this know that one of it's members, Ugo Fadini, makes some spectacular 1/43 scale LSR models. I recently received two models from him, the Speed-O-Motive and the RedH
- /html/land-speed/1999-12/msg00393.html (6,503 bytes)
- 16. Re: speed (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 21:47:46 -0600
- Hi Everyone, Since I don't get the history channel... anyone willing to make a VHS copy of the parts related to LSR racing? I'd be be happy to pay cost and shipping. - Carl Dreher
- /html/land-speed/1999-11/msg00312.html (7,001 bytes)
- 17. LSR collector (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 23:24:33 -0500
- Hi LSR Fans, There was a post about a week ago from someone who had an autographed picture of Campbell, and the topic of collectors came up. Well, I'm one of'em.. Thought I'd just pass word around th
- /html/land-speed/1999-10/msg00088.html (6,701 bytes)
- 18. LSR collector (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 10:26:35 -0500
- Hi All, I recently bought a 1940's era white-metal cast model of the Railton Mobile Special, and a friend gave me a Life Magazine from 1947 showing Cobb on the cover with that car. Does anyone know w
- /html/land-speed/1999-10/msg00102.html (6,531 bytes)
- 19. Re: Big Engine/Small Engine (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 12:15:41 -0500
- Just my 2 cents on this... Although I love the sheer speed and power of the unlimited class LSR cars, my favorites have always been the tiny streamliners running itsy-bitsy engines. Getting the most
- /html/land-speed/1999-10/msg00244.html (8,136 bytes)
- 20. Vespa LSR (score: 1)
- Author: Carl Dreher <focusrsh@arn.net>
- Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 12:37:24 -0500
- Hi Everyone, I just have to share this with the group. My wife and I just returned from Neiman Marcus' annual celebration where the flagship Dallas store spotlights a country. This year's theme was "
- /html/land-speed/1999-10/msg00252.html (7,907 bytes)
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