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References: [ +from:mit-eddie!!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU: 12 ]

Total 12 documents matching your query.

1. Boulder write up (score: 1)
Author: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 90 17:42:45 CDT
Well, I just finished my write up of the 1990 NATC in Boulder for the Exhaust Notes, official newsletter of the Adirondack Triumph Assoc. I'd post it here without hesitation if it was a little smalle
/html/british-cars/1990-09/msg00143.html (7,387 bytes)

2. Trailer hitch on the TR-6 (score: 1)
Author: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 90 16:31:09 CDT
Anyone ever put a hitch on a TR-6? I'd like to do it in as unintrusive manner as possible. ie, I'd like to be able to take it off and not have great gaping blank holes in the bumper. Any ideas? (I ne
/html/british-cars/1990-07/msg00190.html (6,968 bytes)

3. Looking for TR-6 lamp plinth (score: 1)
Author: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 90 11:33:59 CDT
Anyone got/know where there's a late TR-6 that still has the lamp plinths (little plastic bit) for the rear license plate lamps. The lamps are up under the shelf formed by the trunk lid. The butchers
/html/british-cars/1990-06/msg00065.html (6,859 bytes)

4. Re: Unbelievable!! (score: 1)
Author: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 90 13:57:47 CDT
I've actualy seen on of these critters in use too. And on a LBC no less. Although not the sort of LBC any of us will ever be able to own. It was being used to dial in the suspension on the back of a
/html/british-cars/1990-04/msg00050.html (7,693 bytes)

5. Re: TR6 (score: 1)
Author: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 90 14:41:46 CDT
Went to see 'Lizbeth in the body shop today....No paint on her at all. All bright shiny metal and rust. Oooof. Looks like $500.00 more to have all the rust taken care of...Not fun, but it has to be d
/html/british-cars/1990-04/msg00069.html (7,426 bytes)

6. Re: TR250 (score: 1)
Author: mit-eddie!!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 90 17:25:52 CDT
Ok, if you can get it rolling, I'll take it. I don't know where I'll put it, but I'll take it. I've always wanted a TR-250. I've got the spare engine after all.....And the TR-6 is almost done.... Ser
/html/british-cars/1990-04/msg00117.html (7,164 bytes)

7. Re: LEAD SUBSTITUTE (score: 1)
Author: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 90 20:34:03 CST
The TR-6 engine already had the valve seats to run unleaded fuel. I was going to have the 'hardened' seats put in when I had the engine rebuilt 4 years ago, but the folks @ TR Sales told me 'No need.
/html/british-cars/1990-03/msg00087.html (7,382 bytes)

8. It had to happen sometime..... (score: 1)
Author: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 90 11:04:10 CST
Well last night (actually yesterday afternoon but let's pretend I stayed at work till 5...It was 70 and sunny here...;-}) I decided to put the new carpets into Lizbeth. This is after installing the n
/html/british-cars/1990-03/msg00123.html (8,179 bytes)

9. Re: am I nuts? (VTR in Boulder) (score: 1)
Author: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 90 13:52:15 CST
I've done several >1k miles (one way) trips in the TR-6. I however let my mother talk me out of the N.Y. -> San Francisco drive and have regretted it ever since. The thought of that long stretch of
/html/british-cars/1990-03/msg00234.html (9,489 bytes)

10. Re: Re: am I nuts? (VTR in Boulder) (score: 1)
Author: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 90 16:39:04 CST
Uh, well, yeah it was at rather high speed, but the company was decidedly Teutonic and Japanese. I didn't see too many LBC's on the way down. 2 to be exact. Both headed in the other direction. But i
/html/british-cars/1990-03/msg00256.html (8,021 bytes)

11. The danger of 'well, while I'm here' (score: 1)
Author: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 90 11:34:40 CST
'Lizbeth was scheduled to go into the body shop today to be painted. Since the moving company is picking up the first $1600 of the tab for damage done in transit, I figured now would be a good time t
/html/british-cars/1990-03/msg00277.html (8,363 bytes)

12. Swiss Cheese Floors. Was: 'while I'm here' (score: 1)
Author: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 90 15:38:48 CST
Well this weekend was the deadline for gettin the car ready to go to the paint shop. Saturday was spent stripping the chrome, lights and rest of the interior out of the car. Sunday was to be the day
/html/british-cars/1990-03/msg00348.html (7,815 bytes)

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