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References: [ +from:jleer@mv.MV.COM: 4 ]

Total 4 documents matching your query.

1. Place to buy parts (score: 1)
Author: Jonathan Leer <jleer@mv.MV.COM>
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 11:43:39 -0400
I have a 1979 spitfire which I bought at the beginning of the summer. I need to locate a good place for parts. In the short term, I need to locate the following: * a rebuild kit (if exists) for the c
/html/british-cars/1994-09/msg00556.html (6,853 bytes)

2. Startup Problems on 79 Spitfire (score: 1)
Author: Jonathan Leer <jleer@mv.MV.COM>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 09:20:06 -0400
I recently purchased a 79 Spitfire. It was running a bit rough with a high low idle. I adjusted it down to 900 RPM and ran it without too much trouble for about a month. One day last week, low on gas
/html/british-cars/1994-07/msg00299.html (7,273 bytes)

3. 79 Spitfire Stops Running (score: 1)
Author: Jonathan Leer <jleer@mv.MV.COM>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 09:43:19 -0400
I have a 79 Spitfire, which I purchased at start of summer. It was running, a bit rough, but running with a relatively high low idel of 1300. I turned it down to 900 and ran it for about a month. Boy
/html/british-cars/1994-07/msg00521.html (8,213 bytes)

4. Re: British Cars Digest #1181 Fri Apr 22 17:11:47 MDT 1994 (score: 1)
Author: Jonathan Leer <jleer@mv.MV.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 10:02:50 -0400
New to the British scene. Any suggestions where to get market pricing on MGBs and Triumph Spitfires? I know on the Italian cars, the traditional car pricing guides such as the NADA blue book is usele
/html/british-cars/1994-04/msg00695.html (6,793 bytes)

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