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Re: British Leyland Logo - '78 Spit

To: Chip19474@aol.com, vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: British Leyland Logo - '78 Spit
From: My79Spitfire@aol.com
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 12:51:40 EST
Delivered-to: vtr-3pco@autox.team.net
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Reply-to: My79Spitfire@aol.com
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Happy New Year to you too, Chip.
This is from the TriumphSpitfire.com website:
"Square badge on bonnet next to bonnet latch. Fitted on both sides up to  
Oct. 1970-1975. Oct.75-1976 on driver's side only. No longer fitted after  
And a drawing:  _http://www.triumphspitfire.com/images/housebadge.gif_ 
Hope this helps.
Geof Bush, #11
NASS Membership Chair
In a message dated 12/31/2006 12:33:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
Chip19474@aol.com writes:

Happy  New Year List,

Would anyone out there with a 1978 Spitfire which is  original or close to  
original and who is snowbound or desperately  wants an excuse to sneak into 
barn, shed or garage, kindly  measure the approx distances (horiz &  
of the British  Leyland Badge on the driver & pass side of the  bonnet - from 
the  bonnet latches and bottom of bonnet?

P.S. It's interesting that only  one 1978 Spit of all of  the later Spits 
featured in the Spitfire  home page linked through the VTR  website even had 
the BL 
badges - I  wonder now if BL was badging Spits in  1978??


Chip  Krout
Delaware Valley Triumphs, Ltd.
Skippack, PA    USA

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